I dont like stryker anymore


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So management at the company I work for decided to drop a ton of money on these new stryker power pro stretchers. Is it just me, or do they suck?Now instead of a sore back once in a while, I have one everyday. My knees aren't too thrilled about them either. After O2 bottle and all the fixins, this thing weighs like 170lbs without the patient. The batteries won't last a whole shift, wheels come up way too slow while you stand there sweating. One day last week, a battery died in the middle of the shift and we had to use the manual override all day. According to stryker, these are the future of the industry. The whole power assist idea is a good one, but these are not the way to go.
I've heard many comments both good and bad on the PowerPro. I know that a management-type at Stryker is actually part of our community, so hopefully he'll be able to chime in and offer some feedback.

I'm a believe in Stryker's standard ambulance cots. While they do add some what over the more traditional Ferno models, the ergonomics and increase in patient safety and comfort are well worth it.
Wow! Right opposite here. I just wished they had been invented thirty years ago, maybe my back and knees would not be in such bad shape. Attempt the old two man stretcher (not the collapsing, folding type) for about 15 years, then the crappy Ferno's ....

I personally love them, IMHO the best piece of equipment since capnography! Yes, it weighs a little more, but being able to place a 600 lb patient in without a hernia is a blessing. As well as the repetitious lifting up and down, is what strains my back, especially adjusting to bed levels.

We went totally to them about 6 months ago and afterwards did a poll; we only have one individual that does not care for them. Our employee sick days has also decreased with back strains, etc..

I would personally check the batteries, we do about 15 calls per truck and do not have to change the batteries but every other day (we do not use power, unloading- allow it to drop down per gravity). Also, our cots lift within 2 seconds from ground to load position, sounds like they may need to be serviced (which we do every 90 days).

R/r 911
Total agreement there Rid.

I started with the "1 position stretchers" which was down. They were light weight but stayed 10 inches off the ground. They were throw-backs from when the company had a fleet of Cadillacs. To unload a pt at the hospital, you and your partner arm-curled the stretcher while the nurses sheeted the pt over. If no nurse available, omlette maneuver.

I've seen the Styker bariactric stretcher in action a few times and I'm impressed with that piece of technology.
Yea I'm with Rid on this one, they have been a god-send! Absolutely love them. Yes, you have to keep an eye on the battery, but you still have approx. 10 more uses when the light turns red, plenty of time to switch it out. Changing a battery is no big deal, it takes less than 15 seconds.............

Definately beats the old Ferno 29 models.............................
Really, 2 seconds? Takes ours longer. How long do the wheels take to drop in manual mode? Service them every 90 days huh. With our remote location I dont think its gonna happen here. I don't think we even have anyone in the state licensed to work on Strykers. If you have any other suggestions on how to cope with these better, I would love to hear them. Here is another problem I have found, they have a tendancy to tip when on rough terrain and most of Montana is rough terrain. We have tried lowering it a little bit and that helps a little. I do like the telescoping head though, makes elavators and small houses easier to negotiate. I guess lifting was never a big deal here. There is always ample help.
To use the manual mode, pull stretcher until it latches onto safety clip at the head of the bed (as usual) and pull red handle, while holding stretcher (like using electric mode). I would suggest reviewing the tape or DVD on instructions.

We purchased extra batteries from Lowe's and keep them charged. Far as the wheels, apparently you have never used Ferno.. the tiny wheels make it impossible to roll over anything larger than a blade of grass, and they are top heavy.

All stretcher needs to be serviced periodically and routinely, since it is the most used equipment on the unit. If your administration is wise, he will send someone to become authorized to service and up-date and repair, rather than waiting for that law suit and replacing high $$ stretchers. Your stretcher (or any equipment) is good as preventive maintenance.

R/r 911
Just as a side note, I was amazed to find out that the service I worked for also had our 25+ Stryker cots serviced on a regular basis. They're reasoning was to keep the warranty valid and to avoid a lawsuit. Both made perfect sense to me.

As far as tipping, while I don't have experience with the PowerPro model, I think it's safe to assume it all has to do with gravity. I would regularly lower a patient a few notches lower if we were going over rough terrain, especially with heaver patients/loaded cots.
we just got one a few weeks ago. all i know is its very heavy compared to the old ones we had. change is always a hard thing though for some people
I believe it is 43 pounds heavier than the traditional Stryker stretcher. Since then I carry the oxygen and the firefighter can carry the stretcher... :)
dam, yea it is really heavy. i just feel bad for the smaller women on our squad now!

We are currently using a demo from TEch-Lift, the air powered stretcher. Too early to tell the goods and bads but in using it today I certainly like it so far.
Sooo easy to operate -- and much faster than any I've tried so far. Steep in cost however.

Its been a while since my last post. Here is an update on our power pro saga. They all began to creek and vibrate violently when elevated and lowerd. I contacted stryker and told them what was going on. They dispatched a repair guy and he serviced the cots. The problems stopped for about a week and then started again. I contacted stryker again and they sent the same guy back. This time he replaced the tubes inside the frames. Problem fixed again for about 2-3 weeks. I had been initially told by the stryker rep that it must be a training issue. Excuses excuses. Days later I was on a call with a medium sized patient on the cot in the lowerd position and the damned thing refused to go up. We had to use manual mode. The problem with this is that we were alone in the county and had no assistance from fire. It was a bit heavy. This same day it was also reported to me that all the other cots were creeking and vibrating yet again. I contacted stryker again and made them aware of the situation. They told me that we did the right thing by using manual mode. To that I replied, "For $9,000.00 I shouldnt have too." They were hesitant but did warranty all faulty stretchers. They overnighted them to us and we got the others off the street. The new batch are completely different than the old ones, they actually work. Maybe our first batch were built on a friday at 5pm or something. Though the cots sucked, the customer service at stryker was pretty good and when pushed, they did make everything right.
We are supposed to be getting one with our new unit, to be delivered in about a month.... should be cool.
Its been a while since my last post. Here is an update on our power pro saga. They all began to creek and vibrate violently when elevated and lowerd. I contacted stryker and told them what was going on. They dispatched a repair guy and he serviced the cots. The problems stopped for about a week and then started again. I contacted stryker again and they sent the same guy back. This time he replaced the tubes inside the frames. Problem fixed again for about 2-3 weeks. I had been initially told by the stryker rep that it must be a training issue. Excuses excuses. Days later I was on a call with a medium sized patient on the cot in the lowerd position and the damned thing refused to go up. We had to use manual mode. The problem with this is that we were alone in the county and had no assistance from fire. It was a bit heavy. This same day it was also reported to me that all the other cots were creeking and vibrating yet again. I contacted stryker again and made them aware of the situation. They told me that we did the right thing by using manual mode. To that I replied, "For $9,000.00 I shouldnt have too." They were hesitant but did warranty all faulty stretchers. They overnighted them to us and we got the others off the street. The new batch are completely different than the old ones, they actually work. Maybe our first batch were built on a friday at 5pm or something. Though the cots sucked, the customer service at stryker was pretty good and when pushed, they did make everything right.
I'm sure that they've refined the stretcher/hardware since you got the first ones. Be sure to come back in a few months and give us an update!
Alor of the crews here for the private service I work for, like the idea of the power cots, but few of them have even seen one yet. I like the idea, and if I was to use one more than occassionally I might like them. As for the issue of getting our strykers serviced, our company has 10 people certified by stryker to service them, unfortunately I am the only one that actually does the servicing, and yes, I am one of the 10 certified by stryker. But we have over 125 trucks in the fleet with 95% of our cots being stryker. Either the X frame or the H frame, we run both, with most crews prefering the X frame. The 12 new trucks we are picking up in 2 weeks will have X frame, I wish the stryker guy, would send us a demo of the power version
emt9577, have you asked for a demo? I'm sure Stryker would be drooling over themselves to send you a few. Maybe you can send one my way? :)