I am new here . . .


Forum Ride Along
Hello everyone, I have recently purchased my EMR Course...taking it in April. I live in BC. I am looking to work as an Oil Field Services EMR/First Aid/Medic.

Is anyone here from AB or BC? Any tips? anyone entering into / or already in the same field I am headed for? I have always been one for helping people, I really enjoy it . . . why did some of you decide to enter into the EMS Field? I like stories, tell me some stories : )

Thanks : )

Medic Tim

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Welcome to EMTLIFE
I work in Alberta/BC in the oil sands. The higher you go (EMR, EMT,Medic) the more work and more $$ you will make. I work a 2 week in 2 week out rotation and love it. If you have any specific questions I will do my best to answer them.


Forum Ride Along
well hello there! thank you....

oh thank you so much for answering me Medic Tim : ) I really appreciate you offering your wisdom...please be warned I am the woman with 1 million questions; but HEY if you dont ask you dont know right?! :p

I am a tad nervous re: starting my course . . . I know I will do well its been a while sine I have been tested you know . . . do you have any tips for me?

what made you choose to become a medic?

how long have you worked as an EMT? (your an emt?)

do you meet 20 patient contacts per year? I know to be registered with the Alberta College of Paramedics you have to have 20 patient contacts per year.

How often are you tested. How many courses per year do you take? are you upgrading or is it just practice?

Sounds like an amazing job 2 weeks in 2 out...thats what I would like to aim for. May I ask who you work for? LOL! ;) if not I apologize in advance for asking.

I truly appreciate your help.

Medic Tim

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
oh thank you so much for answering me Medic Tim : ) I really appreciate you offering your wisdom...please be warned I am the woman with 1 million questions; but HEY if you dont ask you dont know right?! :p

I am a tad nervous re: starting my course . . . I know I will do well its been a while sine I have been tested you know . . . do you have any tips for me?

what made you choose to become a medic?

how long have you worked as an EMT? (your an emt?)

do you meet 20 patient contacts per year? I know to be registered with the Alberta College of Paramedics you have to have 20 patient contacts per year.

How often are you tested. How many courses per year do you take? are you upgrading or is it just practice?

Sounds like an amazing job 2 weeks in 2 out...thats what I would like to aim for. May I ask who you work for? LOL! ;) if not I apologize in advance for asking.

I truly appreciate your help.

Read your book and get as much hands on experience as you can. I know people that thought they knew their skills and never practiced and when it came time to test they failed beause they never practiced in lab or on people.

I was a primary care paramedic for 4 years and have been an advanced care paramedic for 2 years. (in alberta that means 4 years emt and 2 as a medic)

my last 2 week tour I had 3 calls but ended up with more pt contacts through the clinic. I also work part time/casual for an ambulance service on the east coast where I live. Pt contacts aren't a problem for me.

"How often are you tested. How many courses per year do you take? are you upgrading or is it just practice?"
I have never taken an EMR course so I am not sure what the course is like. The company I work for offers optional training for those interested. During orientation there is a protocol exam and if you have restrictions on your license there is training and testing to have them lifted.

Alot of EMTs and EMRs work more then 2 and 2. Most I have met or worked with do 3in 1 out or something similar.

I wont post my employer in the public forum. I will say I work for one of the big ones and I have friends that work for other big ones. If you have specific questions about a company I probably know someone who works for them and can get some answers.


aspiring needlefairy
Welcome to the board dude!


Forum Ride Along
thank you! LOL!

so FireFite and TitMouse (LOL!)

what made you two want to work in the Emergency Care Field?



Forum Troll
Watching the events of 9-11-2001 unfold in my 4th grade class. Saw the firefighters helping people and wanted to do that.

Learned that in my state in order to be a firefighter I have to be an EMT or a Paramedic.


aspiring needlefairy
I woke up after working nearly five years at warehouse and decided to study something that would make a difference for someone and for myself. Always was interested in the medical field. So I looked into EMS, took the classes and enjoyed myself and what I was learning. Still got much learning to do but I am looking forward to in order to become a better human being.


aspiring needlefairy
I know it sounds romantic but I went through a very hard situation during school and experienced what people in EMS provide. Some might say that we are just "ambulance drivers" but that last as long as someone in the families drops of an AMI.


Forum Probie
Hi shaneen I am very new to this too - I am in Alberta and planning to do my EMR in September and then EMT as soon as I can after that. (I have two kids so am trying to time it for when my youngest starts at school). Until then I have just taken my First Aid instructors course and am planning on doing some teaching to get something on the resume for the time when I am looking for a job. I would love to hear how you get on with your course in April - good luck!


Forum Probie
Just on the oilfield side of things, when I am not doing my p/t EMS thing, I am a petroleum engineer and have spent most of my adult life on well sites. The best thing I can tell you from that side is learn as much as you can about the sites which you are on, and make sure you know where is safe, what dangers are unique to your situations out there. Most your pt's will never tell you they are hurt, they smoke like chimneys and tend to be a bit on the unhealthy side to start with. Most of the deaths I have had to deal with in the field have not been accident related, but rather heart attacks in the middle of frac's or car accidents on the way to site. Just always keep your head on the swivel in the field.

Also, read your book.


Forum Ride Along
thanks everyone!

Hello again everyone! Thank you Engineered for the info. Yeah my husband worked at the Oil Rigs, he could not BELIVE how many of the men smoked . . . and still were able to work and keep up their energy to work.

I have booked my courses as follows: Standard EMR - April, EMR - May, H2S Alive - June, Pii - June, H2S Alive, TDG, Whimis, other online courses - will take in June too. Scheduled to take BC Exam - August.

Phew! LOL! its gonna be a doozie.

Hello Spyro2500; good to know you too are moving forward with EMR . . . I feel its going to be a very rewarding career. I have been helping people for many years, just to be taken advantage of, its time to turn the tables and help people in a different way.

I will defiantly keep everyone posted on my progress :wub:


Forum Probie
It might be worth taking one of the oilfield snow/ice driving classes as well, I know the ones I took really helped me out.

Also, if you get the chance, take the US oilfield OSHA courses, it makes you a bit more employable and gives you a chance to hit up alot more cool places. If you can get on with a well control company, like boots and coots or wild well control, the pay might be a bit better and you get to be in all the fun and dangerous places!


Forum Probie
Good luck! Feel free to message me and we can compare notes! I am heading out on a night shift ridealong this weekend and am really looking forward to it!