I’ve read a lot of the threads talking about people thinking they didn’t pass, but did. I really think I didn’t pass. I walked away thinking about things I’m certain I got wrong. It started with things I hadn’t studied at all or heard about. So then I think I over complicated the answer choices moving forward. It stopped me at 70. Had it gone further I would have had more hope. I felt like I was guessing half the time, and that I screwed up half the stuff that was basic. I think I over complicated things looking for the trick part of a question. And I studied a lot. I think some people are good test takers and some aren’t. Which sucks because I feel like I would be competent in the field. Wish I had more than 70 questions. I don’t think it’s possible to have passed at 70 because I am pretty sure I over complicated things. My biggest fear was it ending at 70. And it ended at 70. I would be confused if I passed.