How would you take this interview?


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So Friday I had an interview for a private ambulance company for a EMT Basic position part time. So I get there early around 10 min or so early. The lady from Hr takes me to the operations manager who was going to do the interview.

When we get to the office she knocks on the door and he told her to come in. He immediately starts saying the 11am interview didn't show and its 10 mins to 12 and the 12 is here either. So the hr lady said well here is your 12pm. He looked at me and said "oh".

So I went in and took a seat like he offered. During the interview every 2-5 mins his phone would go off. So in the middle of me answering his questions I would be cut off in mid sentence because he would answer the phone. Then after that he would move on to the next question without even allowing me to finish answering the previous question. Then people would start knocking on the door he'd stop answer the door. Talk to the person who brought him food on what he got etc nothing to do with the job. This went on the entire time.

On top of that he kept looking at me like eyeing me up and down like I was a pieace of meat or trying to size me up which I've never had anyone do that to me before.

When I followed up with them yesterday I was told the interview didn't go well and we decided not to hire you. No big deal.

Just wondering if this ever happened to anyone before? Or how would you handle something like this?
What's there to handle ? To be honest, if something like this would ever happened to me I'm not sure I'd be interested in working for the said company. If that's how an OP manager conducts candidates' interview then imagine how he runs everything else. Just move on and keep applying for other companies.
I just never been to an interview where it was so unprofessional
I just never been to an interview where it was so unprofessional

All I can say is that people get certain positions not based on individual merit alone. And that, too, speaks volumes about the company. And frankly, following up on that interview wasn't really necessary, yeah ?
I personally would have stood up and exited the interview with an explanation of when I can have their undivided attention I will return. I would further discuss respect and how I expect it.

Alternatively, I might have skipped the above and simply done the same thing back to him...start playing with my phone and interrupting him.

And I would have done either with no fear cause 2 minutes into this behavior I would have already realized I would never work there, so I would at least have some fun since they wasted my time.

You dodged a giant bullet...
I personally would have stood up and exited the interview with an explanation of when I can have their undivided attention I will return. I would further discuss respect and how I expect it.

Alternatively, I might have skipped the above and simply done the same thing back to him...start playing with my phone and interrupting him.

And I would have done either with no fear cause 2 minutes into this behavior I would have already realized I would never work there, so I would at least have some fun since they wasted my time.

You dodged a giant bullet...

When I interview people(my non EMT job) I give them my full attention. My staff know that I am in an interview and if you are knocking on my door it better be an emergency. I am showing my professionalism as an employer and I want to see your professionalism as an employee. If I went into a job interview and any of what you said happened I would of got up and walked out. I know that my work is valued to people that will value what I do and in no way am I okay being disrespected by someone let alone a potential future employer.
I personally would have stood up and exited the interview with an explanation of when I can have their undivided attention I will return. I would further discuss respect and how I expect it.

Alternatively, I might have skipped the above and simply done the same thing back to him...start playing with my phone and interrupting him.

And I would have done either with no fear cause 2 minutes into this behavior I would have already realized I would never work there, so I would at least have some fun since they wasted my time.

You dodged a giant bullet...

I'm with you in spirit, but think the interviewee has to be the bigger man (or woman). It certainly benefits them to present themselves as professionally as possible (even if surrounded by unprofessioalism). Presumably the interviewee is dressed in a suit, or shirt and tie, and the operations manager may not be-- thats okay because they're trying to make a good impression.

Remember, job interviews are two-sided. As I think the OP has made clear, they weren't impressed.

Is it every okay for an interviewer to be that distracted? I have a friend who was interviewing for a job in private EMS in NYC the morning of 9/11/01. I bet his interviewer's phone kept going off. Would the mutual respect doctrine ask that the interview be postponed at the point it wasn't productive?

TonyaL, it sounds like you managed the interview as well as it could be-- i'm sorry you didn't get the job, but that may be for the best. Good Luck!
I agree that this was unprofessional and I would not want to work with them. Move on and find a better company to work for.