how to gracefully bow out of one vollie to join another

I understand where you are coming from, it is hard to gain experience in NYC as a vollie. If you can get it somewhere else then go for it.

I dont know how much physical contact the two squads have, but in my experience there isnt much. Just say that you cant volly there anymore.

The easy way to keep out of the drama?

Dont tell them you are changing squads.

Well, the NYC EMS community is very small. They would find out.

May paid EMTs are in a vollie unit as well.

I would not want to be labled a Judas.....

No judgements. I am not saying anyone is better or worse.

I will spare the board the details.

I am in a situation where I want to leave the vollie I started with for another.

How do I gracefully bow out to avoid slighting them and be able to be be on friendly terms with everyone when we cross paths again.

Not just EMTs, but I notice how some people hop around organizations easily without creating ill will, some are labled traitors, how can I be one of those people who does it gracefully and with ease ?

Any positive thoughts? Please?

just resign and start with the other one. You want different experiences. Dont burn bridges in leaving.
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Well, the NYC EMS community is very small. They would find out.

May paid EMTs are in a vollie unit as well.

I would not want to be labled a Judas.....

I guess your area and mine are different, I did about 1 tour a week, and basically rode with the same crew. If I saw someone from another crew on the street I probably wouldnt have known it.
If you did not sign a contract/agreement with your current agency than you can just terminate your "Membership" with that orginzation and join the other. If the agency doesnt like that, than there SOL!
All you need to do to save face is give one (or if possible) a few concrete reasons for switching, IE: higher call volume, more supression calls (if thats your thing?), better chance for a career job, closer to home, more training opportunities... and the list goes on. Bottom line, you're not dumping a boyfriend/girlfriend... its business. If anyone gets that bent out of shape, they have the problem, not you. Good luck!
To the president of abc EMS agency,
I am resigning from EMS agency for personal reasons.

thank you for your time

emt seeking first job (insert date here)
I understand your concerns about not burning bridges, but your goal "to be on friendly terms with everyone," while admirable, sounds unrealistic.

You have a right to resign, move on -- whatever. I think you should assume, though, that despite your best efforts, not everyone will understand your motivations, nor agree with your decision. Also, consider that moving to another job, agency, neighborhood, etc. often doesn't result in the net improvement in quality of life that we expect.

We have to work and we have to live somewhere, but we don't have to volunteer. I think volunteering is a very positive thing, but maybe you need a break.
Thank you everyone for all comments thus far.

I will add a few tidbits.

In NYC, even paid EMTs are in a vollie, it is part social, part networking, and especially for IFT EMTs, a way to get trauma and critical medical experience.

Yes, I should not worry what others think, but there is this wierd thing I notice about human nature, which should not be discussed all the time, but since we are semi-anonymous I will go ahead.

Within groups of people, there is always one person spoken bad of. People will chime in to avoid being that person. I was never able to do that......

But anyway, where I vollie now, they always discuss critically whoever just left the room.

Thinking aloud, they should not be too peeved because:

1) I paid for my own EMT course, rather than join to get them to.

2) They did not buy me any uniforms or equipment. They actually do not for anyone. They have bunker gear but members buy their own pants and pay the service for a polo shirt.

3) Other people have gone, since I joined just three weeks ago...

4) These people may leave themselves in a year or so, I googled old newpaper articles, not so old, 2006, 2007 2008, and I never see or here of any names mentioned.


1) Listening to everyone. Being friendly to everyone. Staying out of gossip or derogatory remarks.

2) Always willing to clean up, do paperwork, check out bus (I need experience anyway), I carry the bag(s), in general pitch in without complaint or comment (unlike some of them...)

I am just very sensitive to this issue.

I had an LEO job, which many people left for a better one, and I was applying for other ones, and the whole time people made comments..."just make your career here...yadda yadda....

Before that a private industry job, and the boss took it personal all my LEO applications, despite I took the job seriously and did my assignments, I just did not want to be a 'lifer'...he had people leave to competitors, and come back, and leave again...with no bad feelings, but he pestered me about my applications for an LEO job, which would not compete with his buisness.

I realize there is no easy answers, yet, I am happy to hear everyone's thoughts.
I was/am on two departments... the one in my town ( about 6 miles away) and my neighboring town (About 4 miles away....) recently my towns department went through a big leadership change, and mass exodus of medics and EMT's...

I simply told the other town that I still want to be a member, and that I will respond when I can but between intermediate class, and per diem shifts I can only do so much.

They understood. And, going inactive may be an option for you.
I really wish the two units would merge. They serve adjoining neighborhoods and the better funded ones HQ Bldg. is almost in the geographic center of the combined response area....

But that would taking being on the board, building consensus, etc.
You're giving how people perceive you an awful lot of weight! Don't let it prevent you from moving forward.

People are going to do what they are going to do. The culture you're in involves talking behind your back. No matter how perfect you think you're acting, they'll still have something negative to say.

I thought "Volunteer" meant, "I can donate my time where I want and with whom I want." It's not a snobby thing. You're a Freebie. From them it should be, "Thank you for every second of your time!"

"It's time for something new. Thank you for your support. I want to try myself with ___ and only have time to vollie with one squad. I'm sure we'll see each other around!" kind of says it.