How old are you?

24... Dont get into this for the wrong reasons. If you don't want to genuinly help people don't bother with this career
25 as of today :D

Guess I need to say some cliche advice now...

Don't come in to this job expecting to save lives all the time. I leave a patient with a smile on if I've taken away some kind of pain, nausea, anxiety, fear, or just simply made them comfortable. That's where we make the biggest difference.

And don't be a toolbag.
And don't be a toolbag.

The best piece of advice of all. I thought about making laminated cards saying "When in doubt, don't be a toolbag." and giving them to our new hires...
Just passing by my topic.

Been working part time for the past 3 months. What I like about my job is that I learn something new everyday from how to make a sheet fit a gurney perfectly to what code opens the ER door lmao.

Just turned 21 in August, I would definitely say attach yourself at the hip to a senior member. You tend to learn a lot just by simple observation and asking questions.