How do you suggest that gets done 45 minutes from the hospital? Also we are more than able to give fent and/or versed to assist in limiting shivering, much like what is done for TTM patients elsewhere.
I think historically temperature monitoring and management has been an area of opportunity within EMS. Still most patients come in without a temperature being taken in the field and I would bet a good number if not a majority of EMS agencies do not have thermometers.
Ideally you should have a rectal or esophageal probe and we have the ability to monitor core temps on our lifepaks and propaqs, but I recognize that most EMS systems to not purchase the models that have the ability to monitor invasive pressures and temps.
I know that this is a big ask for some prehospital clinicians, but a rectal temp checked frequently is probably going to be the best compromise in the field. Rectal thermometers are cheap, you can get single patient ones for about two bucks each