How did you find us?


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Reaction score
I know we're an extremely small community at this point, but Im wondering how many of you found the site. Google? AOL? Word of mouth?

Thanks as always :)
Originally posted by lastcode@Apr 21 2004, 10:57 PM
That's what I figured. Initially I ran an ad campaign on google, but stopped because of the cost.

I'm still trying to find ways to attract new members. I really hope that this forum is here for quite some time, but things have really quieted down since that ad campaign.
Originally posted by mattkuhl@Apr 25 2004, 03:48 PM
Welcome aboard!

I know this place is kind of slow, but hopefully as time goes on more people will post.

Nice meeting you, and hope to see ya around!
I found this site through the emtb community on!
Originally posted by r-schreiber@May 6 2004, 05:19 PM
I found this site through the emtb community on!
Welcome aboard, good to have you here!

I apologize for the late reply, I recently had college finals, and had to move all my stuff home for the summer.

Hopefully you continue to post, and it's good to have you!
I Googled as well. I was looking for some good, active EMS forums. Looks like we have a pretty new one here. I hope the members stay active and keep it clean.

I saw a post from SafetyPro on the forums.
I, too, saw the post, right after I joined here. LOL

Glad to see my fellow memebrs promoting this group. I'm sure the membership will climb greatly in the next few months.

Welcome everyone!

It's great to see you here. I admit we don't have a ton of members, and not nearly as many as the larger forums, but I felt it was time we had our own forum.

I hope all of you stick around and continue to post, and be safe out there!
Saw it on Firehouse

Man, if I knew I was going to have that kind of effect, I'd have posted something sooner. :D Welcome everyone.
I also just found the link on message forum. Someone had mentioned it in a post and glad they did.

<<I found the link here... :blink: <And I like this smilie face B)

Biggest mistake possible... having smilies... I love smilies... :ph34r: <<Good one also
So it seems I started paying for search engine ads, and forgot about it. I'm wondering if thats where our recent new members came from.

Thanks :)
saw it through a google search in wich a forum post came up on my search (cant recall wich one it was now).
I definitely found this site through google. I don't really remember what I was looking for at the time...I think I was trying to search for an online listing of standing orders or protocols for the state of Florida. Something in my wording must've tagged a post here...anyways, glad I stumbled in!

Actually, my wife found it, and brought it to my attention. She'll be joining up tomorrow. She's busy watching a Harry Potter movie for the umpteenth time right now. :D