How about a hiring bullpen category?

Would you like to see an Employment Forum here?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Still crazy but elsewhere
Reaction score
1. Demand is growing and these requests are lost under other posts.
2. Perhaps visitor access could be modified for that one category so employers could post and respond?

(Sorry about the "bullpen" thing, its a baseball analogy, not a sexist or slaughterhouse one..)(;)
I like it. Let me talk to the team.
1. Demand is growing and these requests are lost under other posts.
2. Perhaps visitor access could be modified for that one category so employers could post and respond?

(Sorry about the "bullpen" thing, its a baseball analogy, not a sexist or slaughterhouse one..)(;)

Are you suggesting a place for employers to post jobs and/or members to place resumes? Or I am way off?
Okay, thanks for the clarification.
I was thinking more along the lines of everything job related.
From the prep, to the search, to the tips, companies etc.

I think it could be beneficial, right now it's a pretty big subject for a lot of people.
Poll added, but it closes in two weeks.
Oh man... I'm the only one who voted no so I guess I should say why since I am the only one. I don't think I have that great of a reason either, but just a feeling that it would be full of resumes, but little to no employers, and that there would be too little employers to make it useful considering we are all over the place. I don't think employers have enough trouble getting employees, and they won't find it useful to advertise here (although I have seen job postings from Royal and ProTransport on Craigslist, but the Royal one is gone). I don't like it when there are too many forums also, and EMTLife already has a lot. What about the Wanted section of the forum? Isn't that already used partially for this? Oh well, just my thought. I'm not too against it, but just enough over the edge to say no.
Could it be made so they clear themselves after a month or so?

Otherwise we would have a huge dead letter file.
Good reasoning APRZ. But the need seems to be there, it is a matter of mechanics and will.
I truly appreciate our responsive webmeisters.
I voted yes,
Yes for employers and recruiters to post for sure.
I don't know about people posting resumes (not sure that employers would ever see them), but I like the rest of it.
I don't know about people posting resumes (not sure that employers would ever see them), but I like the rest of it.

agreed. They should just email or PM them to any employers that come about and request it or post an ad