Holy Mother of god... found the perfect jump kit for the whackers


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I really hope that epinepherine is his own prescription.

But at least he can beat the zombies over the head with that pack if they attack.
I wonder if he can even lift that thing.

And how did he get all of that RX stuff?

The worst thing is that everybody commenting on that forum is congratulating him and even making suggestions on other things he should be carrying. They're all crazy.

Edit: Just re-read the initial post. With a bag full of ALS supplies and meds and no formal medical training this guy makes the following statement: "I don’t currently have a pulse oximeter (having never received training in the use of one)" The one item that he probably couldn't hurt or kill someone with he doesn't have because he isn't trained to use it.
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He said all the Rx stuff was gotten legally from an MD... including the 300mg of MS :S
He said all the Rx stuff was gotten legally from an MD... including the 300mg of MS :S

Was it Michael Jackson's doctor? Maybe he could get some propofol too.

You know, incase somebody has trouble sleeping.
He says he'd only use it on family or friends, but he's prob just kill them trying to intubate them. All that ALS gear makes me cringe

Medical porn though
Obligatory picture

That's just ridiculous. I almost feel like signing up over there just ask him what he expects to do with all those things having absolutely no medical training; but I have to study and that's just too time consuming.
*Tries to speak*
*Is speechless.*

No formal training?!
I thought we had some whackers on this sight....:P
He's gonna save lives...

You know, by intubating somebody in a war zone and then bagging them till his hands get tired, and the cavalry arrives to whisk the patient off to the nearest trauma center and he will be a big hero.

Don't bother signing up, "There's no point wasting time...preaching to the perverted."
how the :censored::censored::censored::censored: did he get prescription meds
He's gonna save lives...

You know, by intubating somebody in a war zone and then bagging them till his hands get tired, and the cavalry arrives to whisk the patient off to the nearest trauma center and he will be a big hero.

Don't bother signing up, "There's no point wasting time...preaching to the perverted."

Yup, that's the conclusion I've come to, my time is much better spent studying for finals :P
He's gonna save lives...

You know, by intubating somebody in a war zone and then bagging them till his hands get tired, and the cavalry arrives to whisk the patient off to the nearest trauma center and he will be a big hero.

Don't bother signing up, "There's no point wasting time...preaching to the perverted."

He'll probably try to put it through the nose knowing him. I mean he wouldn't know better, no medical knowledge. ^_^