Congrats on finishing basic and goodluck with the NC state test, it truly isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
However, I was 17 when I took the NC EMT class, and I was 18 before I finished. I state tested at the age of 18 and I have been working in EMS ever since. I will warn you that class is NOTHING like the real job & things you go over in class will HELP prepare you for what you may see in the field, but you must be able to mentally and physically meet the demands for the job. I am not saying that you are not capable, I think you are. I just think you should take things slowly and a fast-track medic course is not always the option!
Paramedic class, depending on where you take it...can be anywhere from 10-18 months long and 32 weeks is a veryyyyy short time for such a large and copious amount of information. I understand you want to get things finished quickly, but before you make a good intermediate, you must FIRST be a great basic, and before you can make a good medic you must make a GREAT intermediate. That is just how it goes. Good luck to you and your endeavors.