Sorry for the delayed reply guys, its been a crazy day. This call happened probably a month ago, but i'll give it ago. Next time i'll try to include more info on the OP, first time putting one of these up. I also kindly educated the RN on proper usage of Glucose
RR: 12, Resps were fairly normal for her. Pt is usually able to walk with assistance, pt normally Ao3/3 and is usually able to communicate w/o any problems. Pt was on Oxycodone, which the pts PCP just bumped the dose up. No hx of pill hoarding, no recent trips to the hospital or draws done.
No HX of recent illness, but then again, the RN was just back from her 3 days off and did not get a report from the previous RN (whats new about that....seems like they never communicate) Negative on the Foley or bed sores.
You are able to establish an IV line, give an AMP of D50. The pts sugar now reads from "Lo" to 230. Pt now is able to open eyes and is able to look towards you w/eye when verbal stimuli. Pt is still "not back to normal" states RN. You then give .4 Narcan, slowely titrating it up. After a few minutes the pt is able to move spontaneously, turns head towards you when you speak to her, pt is able to speak, but is more of "word salad". Pt is still A&Ox0/3.
On a earlier note i should have mention... This particular SNF, or USNF, is known to have OD pt from time to time...