Herbs and Oils

screw the atropine.. get some oils!

while it may very well be true, i cannot see herbs and oils in the way im imaging them doing the work of medicially tested drugs

Atropine is a terrible counter.

Atropine, a naturally occurring belladonna alkaloid, is a racemic mixture of equal parts of d- and 1-hyocyamine, whose activity is due almost entirely to the levo isomer of the drug.

Also, cranberry juice and UTIs (ok, not a herb or oil, but same concept).

My two issues is how much is directly applicable to EMS vs more of general health care and also the efficacy of the treatment. Correlation isn't causation when it comes to diseases. That doesn't mean that alternative medicine should be completely ignored, but as with everything else, it shouldn't be taken on simple word of mouth either.
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Mmm... sounds tasty. Maybe I'll put some herbs and oil in a little GladWare container, bake a boule, and take some of that for lunch.

Oh, you mean using it on the patient? GTFO, and take your woo with you.
Well that's not very nice.

I'd at least like to hear his argument before anybody shot it down.
Kinda reminds me of a futurama epidsode....

Civil Defense Truck:"calling all scientists, calling all scientists, there will be an emergency meeting in Tokyo"

[runs up] Guy:"Ive got a degree in homeopathic medicine[waving degree]"

Civil Defense Truck: "Youve got a degree in balogna" [sprays water cannon at guy]

While homeopathic medicine has been discredited by the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical controlled medical establishment Brown believes they may have some preventative and curative value.

In an emergency? No.

Now, a little eucalyptus oil to break up this chesty snotty feeling I have tonight,and lemon tea with honey added to soothe my sore throat over some pharmacuetical company pushed anti-biotic that probably doesn't work sure .... but if I break my leg or have anaphylaxis I am going to the hospital!
Brown, I believe you're mixing up homeopathic and naturopathic alternative medical practices. Herbs and oils falls more under natruopathic. I was using homeopathic as an example of an extremely discredited CAM.
You all know that the OP is gone, never to return, right? The OP was looking for a smooth way to slip in or suggest that others check out their site, but we all smelled BS right away. :glare:
You all know that the OP is gone, never to return, right? The OP was looking for a smooth way to slip in or suggest that others check out their site, but we all smelled BS right away. :glare:

That is, in all probability, the truth. The OP did open up an interesting conversation though :)
You all know that the OP is gone, never to return, right? The OP was looking for a smooth way to slip in or suggest that others check out their site, but we all smelled BS right away. :glare:
You really think that he might have had more sense than to use such a user name lol......
That is, in all probability, the truth. The OP did open up an interesting conversation though :)

Nothing probable about it. Like frostbite said, it was a poor choice of a username. In addition, those that seek to use internet forums to promote their busines interests typically make their first post about their product or service in some fashion. It's a dead give away.

Here's a textbook example over on firehouse.com:

The video is so good it was posted twice.
I am sorry good sir but I do not understand the word mitigated and I honestly think you're trying to make me feel inferior as a medical expert. Many of my clients benefit during panic attack situations by the simple aroma of Vanilla.

Chocolate usually works for me. Just stuffing my face with chocolate and the smell...