Help me get my drugs!

Many said they signed for narcs at start of shift and carried them around, sometimes literally, then signed them back in.

I have done this, nothing wrong with it. in fact it was kinda handy as I always had my narcs within arms reach. I can tell you time from contact to pain management was much shorter.

my current system has them locked in a cabinet in the ambulance.
Nothing wrong until something goes missing.

Take my word for it.
PS: I was wrong, I did not start a thread about narc control systems.
In my system we carry 2 different "drug bags"(we'll call them that for this purpose). One stays on the truck, it has your mag, epi 1:10, sodium bicarb, etc. The other, stays in the jump bag. That one has D50, epi 1:1, narcan, glucagon, haldol, and the narcs. Basically, its where if we leave the truck the narcs have now become an open source to anyone that wants a nice red backpack from the back of an ambulance, and we don't always bring our jump bags in on calls because we run with a ALS FD that usually responds with 1 BLS engine 3-4 FF/EMTs and a ALS rescue 1 FF/Paramedic and 1 FF/EMT. Their theory of sending 2 units and between 5-6 people not including the ambulance which in my system is always ALS with 1 EMT and 1 Paramedic is beyond me but that's another story.
we carry belt pouches. one pouch with 4 ampules of morphine, 4 of fentanyl and 2 vials of versed.

the other pouch (that your partner carries) has ketamine

our kits and car have our paralytics unprotected (is that normal?)

^^^ i wasnt sure if they were controlled. I should probably know. Hate to see someone steal the biggest vial in the kit (succs). Now if we left the narcan laying around...
I was just curious to see what others were doing, with all these safes and what not. Maybe im sensitive to the idea of someone paralyzing themselves to death, probably wouldnt be a good way to go. (plus its MY job to do that to people).

i guess its the issue of which drugs are classified as high risk of abuse, not controlled because, thinking about it more, lots of our meds sit free in the car and kit that are definitely not available over the counter.
Lol I'd love to see someone break in and shoot up with Vec :lol:
There's been a story floating around for years about somebody who broke into the truck and stole the RSI box. twenty minutes later, same medic unit gets a call for an unconscious/unresponsive. Roll up to find the patient on the ground, not breathing, a vial of succinylcholine on the ground next to them.

I doubt it's a true story, but I hear it every six months or so.
There's been a story floating around for years about somebody who broke into the truck and stole the RSI box. twenty minutes later, same medic unit gets a call for an unconscious/unresponsive. Roll up to find the patient on the ground, not breathing, a vial of succinylcholine on the ground next to them.

I doubt it's a true story, but I hear it every six months or so.

Somewhere I read a story about an anesthesiologist who accidentally injected himself with succinylcholine, thinking it was an opioid.

Don't know if that specific story was true, but I'd be surprised if someone, somewhere hasn't shot up an NMB.