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Does EMT get to have there own radio to take home or do they have to leave at station
That's an ....interesting first question (and no offense, but hopefully you use more grammar in your reports than here...)

Anyways, it's going to totally, entirely depend on who you work for. That said I'm not aware of any paid professional department that has enough radios for 1 per person to take home off shift. A lot of ambulance companies I've worked for either only had one portable radio per ambulance (so it got left with the rig and handed off to the next crew) or didn't even bother, using only the one built into the ambulance.

The departments I've worked for that have had 1 radio for each person working have also been per shift, they're department property (and you'd be surprised, those radios cost in the thousands of dollars sometimes) so once again they stay with the apparatus and are not your personal one.

I would imagine places that issue individual radios for you to take home are the small rural, probably volunteer or on call type places, where you can be called in off duty.

So it depends entirely on who you get employed by, and what their policies and procedures are.
That said I'm not aware of any paid professional department that has enough radios for 1 per person to take home off shift.
Oddly enough, I know several police departments that do....

As a general rule, line staff don't get take home radios. Supervisors sometimes get issued take home radios, but most line staff will either have one radio per vehicle, one radio per on duty staffer, or something similar.

Also as a general rule, there isn't a need for EMTs to have take home radios; however, if your agency expects you to respond directly to a scene, then yes, I can see them issuing everyone radios, as well are issuing each EMT equipment to use (as part of their daily job duties) when responding to a scene before the ambulance arrives.
That said I'm not aware of any paid professional department that has enough radios for 1 per person to take home off shift.

I mean technically I can take all my gear home with me, including my radio. Though I don't know why someone would considering I have a gear locker at my station.

Also FWIW, we have radios for every person on the engine. They're assigned to us when we get our gear when we get hired.
Where I work, all staff are issued their own radio; however line staff are not allowed to take them home and have to secure them in their locker at the end of their shift. Supervisors are allowed to take their radios home. Upper management also have take home radios as well as take home SUVs.
Never a radio, but I've had two jobs that issued me a personal pager that I couls take home. On duty, I'd get call info and post move ups. Off duty, it was used to page out open shifts or general info eg front gate broken, please enter an alternative way.
We had individual HT’s when I was a supervisor. They issued me one. I don’t miss it.

Oh, and hello.
Never was given a radio, but I remember the days of the take home pagers.
I was issued a radio that sits in a charger on my desk at home and doesn’t do anything except take up space.
We got issued radios when there was a screw up and we got about triple our normal allotment of radios. Some take them home. I leave mine on the charger at work and that way I don’t have to worry about losing it.