Welcome. In short, depending upon the kind of service you end up being an EMT for, your individual experience as an EMT can vary tremendously. If you work for a service that does primarily 911, that can be busy and somewhat exciting but just how much experience you get as an EMT will depend upon the type of 911 system you work in (tiered vs all ALS). If you work for a service that is primarily interfacility, you'll likely get a LOT of experience shuttling patients around from place to place and most of them will be quite stable. Occasionally you'll find patients that aren't as stable as you were told they'd be OR you'd find that the patient may require a level of care that is just outside your level of care that you may provide and be pressured to just take the patient...
That being said, if you know what level of care you can provide, and you know the kind of service you work for, and you're willing to do that work, you can find that being a working field EMT to be quite fun! If you're also at a point where you don't need the money because you're retired and that income pays the bills and whatnot, whatever you're paid as an EMT could very well be just the thing to help you afford some extras that you might otherwise have to budget a might bit for.
In my case, I'm an RN in the ED. I worked as a Paramedic for quite a while, now I'm back in the field as a Critical Care Transport RN as a side job. I'm doing it because I enjoy the flexibility that having a very part-time job gives me along with the added bonus of having a bit extra to help out certain budget areas. That and it gets me out of the house an extra day or so per week, allows me to utilize some of the skills I don't normally get to use in my daily life as an ED RN, and I don't have to deal with more than 1 patient at a time!!
With any luck, you'll have a similarly fun time as an EMT and maybe you'll upgrade your knowledge and skills and still have fun along the way!