Our protocol is fluid and active cooling with rapid transport. I have no clue what the scope of practice of a trainer is unless their a doctor. With that I wouldn't let them take control of my patient's care if I was dispatched to a heat stroke call.
So because you have no idea what the provider's background is, you must be in charge? Even though the provider in question has, at minimum, years more education than you and I?
Page 9 whoa.. An athletic trainer is actually going to take an athlete's rectal temperature to assure it's not above 105?
Funny, I see a long list of contributing authors on that paper, but none of them have MD behind their name.
I see plenty of RNs and Paramedics listed as contributing authors in studies and no one says a word about that. As mentioned, ATCs have at minimum a BS in Athletic Training, which is already far and above paramedic training and comparable in many ways to BSN (nearly identical perquisite education foundations). Not to mention that most contributing to research are going to be working for collegiate or professional organizations where a Master's is generally required.
Once I'm called out, it is my patient. They can back off. Heat stroke is a true emergency and my fangs will come out
the op said called out. Once I'm dispatched, the pt is mine.
The patient has the right to refuse treatment. The athletic director, ie: highschool, college etc does not have the right to tell me to wait etc.
If they are of higher medical training and working within their jurisdiction, that is a different story.
I have suffered heat stroke, the pt actually will not be able to refuse as they will most likely be altered anyway.
This is attitude is in a word, garbage. The patient is not "yours" once you are dispatched and to act as such is incredibly foolish. Lets face the facts, the ATC knows more about medicine than you (or I) do. To say that you are taking control of the patient in the face of this knowledge gap is again, foolish.
How do you determine altered anyway? Do you think your mental status exam is superior to that of the ATC? I'll give you a hint, it is not.
Saying that your "fangs will come out" is an indication of a considerable lack of professionalism. Odds are that if the higher trained medical provider called for an ambulance, he is well aware already that the patient requires transportation to the hospital. There is no need for attitude, but there is a need for cooperation.
I tried to find a specific scope of practice for trainers, but was unable. Granted I didn't look too hard, but if it's a true emergency, then it's our realm. They seem to be more focused on prevention and treatment of sport injuries. If push came to shove and I ended up in court, I doubt my saying, "but the trainer said I should wait until the patient get cooled down." would save me.
Trainers should know when they're out of their realm. Just like I wouldn't even think of attempting to rehab a torn rotator cuff to a pitcher, they shouldn't delay our treating life-threatening medical emergencies. If we disagree, I'm sure my base hospital would set them straight.
Athletic Trainers receive as much or more training than an EMT does in regards to life threatening injuries. There is nothing in the EMT scope of practice that an Athletic Trainer cannot do. If you think that they are going to stand there while one of their athletes deteriorates until EMS gets there to save the day, I'd have to bet you have never worked with one.
Also, it's not great form to make an argument based upon saying "I don't think this exists, but I didn't really look either." ATCs do not generally have a scope of practice as they do not work under a physician's license but rather their own, independent licensure. Here in Colorado, this license comes with an "acts allowed" section formulated by the licensing body. As stated, skills and assessments can be added so long as an MD has deemed the ATC competent.
For heat stroke patients, the ATC knows that immediate cooling is necessary and doesn't want to delay cooling measures any more than necessary. They'll institute cooling measures and call for EMS at an appropriate time so the athlete will be handed off to EMS very quickly and seamlessly. Actual conflicts between ATC's and EMS are pretty rare in my experience.
This is spot on, which is to be expected considering your background. My experience in my three years with Sports Medicine was that EMS and ATC conflicts came about purely as a result of the ignorance of the responding EMS crew. These were few and far between however. For the most part we had a great working relationship with local EMS and crews that worked with us frequently knew what our capabilities were and what they were needed for. Issues usually arose when we needed EMS at a non-covered event so the crew was not pre-briefed.
The ATC calling EMS does not indicate that he is in over his or her head with the patient but rather that the patient needs a higher level of care than he can provide. EMS is there to transport the patient to such care and provide interventions that the ATC does not have, which are generally in the realm of ALS providers.