Healthcare reform passed in the USA

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Constitution be darned, right?

If necessary, yes. Remember, this is the document that one declared black people were not fully human and women not allowed to vote. Very courageous people recognized that as wrong.
The constitution was also written more than 200 years ago. It may have escaped notice but things have changed a little since then.

As I said earlier, then use the mechanism in place to update the constitution (amendments). Just because a clause might be considered 'antiquated' by some because of changing times doesn't mean that we just get to ignore it.
This LAW is the greatest thing to come to America in 40 years. I applaud it. America has finally joined other first-world nations.

...because healthcare is perfect and the government leaders in those countries fart rainbows and butterflies?
If necessary, yes. Remember, this is the document that one declared black people were not fully human and women not allowed to vote. Very courageous people recognized that as wrong.
So what other laws do we get to ignore because we disagree with them?
JPINFV, the desires of an individual obviously outweigh the rights of a country.

How could we be so dense?
Law to ignore...

How about the one signed last October directing TRICARE to offer enrollment to retired reservists/Guardspeople between service retirement and age 60? TRICARE sez "No, thanks, not right now Mister Presiden' ". THAT was healthcare reform and it was ignored by the federal program directed by the president to do it, designed tofulfill
promises made then broken to tens of thousands of service members.
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I agree that it's wrong for a government agency to ignore the law. However just because one person ignores the law doesn't grant everyone else the right to ignore the law. Should I get to commit murder because OJ Simpson wasn't convicted?
We could pass a hat....

You guys go ahead without me, I'm gonna go make a Geritol shake.
Melcin, there are 27 amendments to the constitution that says that the final draft wasn't perfect. In fact, the first 10 were passed concurrently with the constitution. However, if the consitution needs changing, then we need to change it first, then pass federal run healthcare, not pass federal run health care and then change the consitution.
When the bill was first posted it was around 1600 pages. I made it to around 800. Til I got a massive migraine.

Instead of trying to do massive plan to try and correct the problems with insurance and health care they should have taken it one problem at a time.
So what other laws do we get to ignore because we disagree with them?

I get out of my car on the drivers side when parked along the street. I bet you do, also.
Please cite the part of the California Vehicle Code (since you are accusing me here) where that is illegal. Now if you went with speed limit, sure, but I'd like something more substantial than vehicle code violations.
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Please cite the part of the California Vehicle Code (since you are accusing me here) where that is illegal. Now if you went with speed limit, sure, but I'd like something more substantial than vehicle code violations.

Can help ya with Cali, but in IL it's
(625 ILCS 5/) Illinois Vehicle Code.
Since I don't live in Illinois, I guess I'm not breaking the law then by exiting on the driver's side of the car. Also, do you have a better citation than just the entire Illinois Vehicle Code, like a sub chapter?
Since I don't live in Illinois, I guess I'm not breaking the law then by exiting on the driver's side of the car. Also, do you have a better citation than just the entire Illinois Vehicle Code, like a sub chapter?

California Vehicle Code, CHAPTER 9. STOPPING, STANDING, AND PARKING , Section 22517
22517. No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of such traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open upon the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.

Emphasis added.
Emphasis added.

Right. Unless you can safely do it, just like ensuring scene safety, you don't. It's against the law.
It's not against the law if it is safe to do so and it doens't interfer with the flow of traffic. That is the definition of "unless."

Edit: The constitution does not state "The following is the limits of Congress unless it really really really wants to do something."
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It's not against the law if it is safe to do so and it doens't interfer with the flow of traffic. That is the definition of "unless."

Against the law, with a singular exception. That's the correct way to understand it. Anyhow, you asked for a source and I provided it.
...but your argument fails to prove that people can ignore the law when it is personally expediate without sanction. The day in/day out activity of getting in and out of a car on the driver's side is not illegal because day in/day out people aren't doing it in an unsafe manner.
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