Heading to New Orleans

Originally posted by Firechic@Sep 2 2005, 01:22 AM
It is a combat zone. People are shooting at emergency workers, cops, and the aircraft that are trying to help them. I wouldn't go unless I was armed to the hilt and had a bunch of Rambos with me!! :ph34r: :ph34r:
What the Hell is wrong with people!? A freaking combat zone?...isn't it bad enough already? Sometimes I really question humanity. <_<
I may be going. My vollie squad's Surge team is taking 2 rigs, I won't be with them, but if AMR send me, I will go. If I go, my BSI, including the Kevlar kind, comes with me, as does Immodium in large amounts :o

It sounds like our team is deploying for 1 week, and all teams are meeting at the fram show complex in Harrisburg tommorrow AM.

What the Hell is wrong with people!? A freaking combat zone?...isn't it bad enough already? Sometimes I really question humanity.

Yes, I know rescue workers there and they have been shot at. I question humanity also sometimes. <_<
Originally posted by Firechic@Sep 3 2005, 10:10 AM
What the Hell is wrong with people!? A freaking combat zone?...isn't it bad enough already? Sometimes I really question humanity. 

Yes, I know rescue workers there and they have been shot at. I question humanity also sometimes. <_<

Sounds like the State SURGE Teams are off... must really be a Federal Gov't operation, we can tell.... lots of "hurry up and wait" this morning.

It is official.

As of now, I am to pack and prepare to leave on Tuesday with my Paid Co (AMR).

We aren't sure where we are going - maybe Florida, maybe Lousiana, maybe somewhere else.

I'll keep you posted, at least until I leave.

Good luck to you. Today, my department announced that they are rounding up firefighter/paramedics for a 2-4 week jaunt to New Orleans.
Be careful!!!
Thanks... the first, and only, question I was asked was "What is your cert #" I assume it is for reciprocity and reports....

Good Luck, keep in touch if you can!. And be careful!
As of an hour ago. We are deploying Tomorrow, for 14 days. It sounds as if I'm going to Baton Rouge.

Ok... change of Plan... We are still going tomorrow... except that Today is Sunday, now, so We are to leave Monday...

I leave Monday Morning, flying to Baton Rouge, with a stop at Dallas.

I'll be gone 14 days (We think)

This will be intresting.

I don't know how I missed this thread, I've been checking for "New Threads" several times today on several computers and didn't see it. You guys are amazing. Be safe out there. If you're going, please PM me and I'll provide you a toll-free voicemail number you can call and leave messages to. I'll then upload them online or transcribe them for you. It would just be great to hear from you and hear what's going on first-hand.

Contact me at matt(at)emtlife.com or PM me.

Take care!
Hey guys, this place is a frickin' mess, but there are enough rescue rigs to keep Jon up for a month..... Anyway, we rolled in on Friday, and are running security/asset re-aquirement and protection. I am currently the MSO for our team, with 120 workers and managing a team of 6 medically trained personnel. If any of you are in New Orleans, stop by our med rig, we are at the Marriott, just across the street from the Sheraton on Canal St. There are two RV's parked under the marriott overhang, the med is the little one. We've been providing tac-med for all of our assault teams, as well as general med. Anycase just drop by and say hi, in this environment, people with guns and QRFs are very good friends to have, incase something goes wrong. Oh, and Tricam, you're still my B1TCH!
Good to hear from you Luno. Stay safe and check in when you get the chance.

Be careful out the Luno, let us know how you ae doing.
My boyfriend might be deploying down there. I'll send him armed with descriptions of Jon & Luno. :D
I would love to go down there. But I have no money and no knowledge of how to get down there.

As for descriptions of Jon and Luno, the one following all the girls around with his jaw on the ground is Jon.
Just a quick update, we've managed to "acquire" 3 medics and 1 emt from PA, and the one female medic, she's a cutie..... They are from the ambulance pool in Baton Rouge, and we'll have them for 30 days, thanks to their organization. I'm trying to get them on missions that they can go home and tell people about. I've got a couple of spaces on our tac team for medics, and we're getting them slotted for movement, as well as taking a couple on convoy runs, so that they can get a little taste of convoy ops. So much for not needing a gun on a rig <_< . Anyway, hope all of you are doing well, we were running ops out to the West Bank, and doing some "man hunt" work today, but as the Chief Medic, I usually don't get to go play. Our tactical team has made over 1600 entries in 3 days, so we're going balls out. I've got a 91W on the team as primary. Anyway, things are calming down around here, no more incoming rounds, well, as of lately, and we're just settling down to the grind of an operation. I could definitely use the sleep, between Weds of last week and this past Tues I logged a grand total of 8 hours. I have doubled that in the past two days. Anyway, NO is hot, muggy, and stinks, but we're havin' a kick *** time. Jon, if you're in the Baton Rouge Ambo camp, call me on my cell, ffemt has the number, I might be able to snag you up for a quick tac mission, no promises, but I've got a pretty good relationship with some people up there. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll update you later...... luke
Glad to hear you doing well Luno. Keep up the great work. And thanks for the updates.