Was it "just a selfie" or was it FORTY ONE known selfies? And were they "just" selfies or was there much more in the picture? More rude/crude behavior which has not been disclosed outside of a very small circle?
there was more? so your basing your opinion on facts that were not in evidence? If you know more to the story, why not tell the judge so the prosecutor can present it as evidence? Bottom line, with the facts presented in the article, I am standing by my "it was just a selfie" statement, but I will change it (just for you) to it was just 41 selfies!!
41 people were assaulted, several after death or while dying and some were drunk, high, or intubated due to other reasons. So is it "just a selfie"? These are the 41 which were known.
They weren't assaulted (well one was charged with battery, for holding an eye open), or else they would have been convicted of assault. And even if they did assault the 41 victims, that isn't what they are pleading guilty to. From the article:
Dubois recently pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor counts of interception and disclosure of oral communications. Wimmer pleaded no contest to seven felony counts of interception and disclosure of oral communications and one misdemeanor count of battery. The battery charge stemmed from a Feb. 22, 2016, incident in which he allegedly held open the eyelids of a sedated 26-year-old woman for a selfie.
I see no mention of assault anywhere. Again, if you know more to the story, that's great, but they weren't convicted of whatever you said they do.
The community is outraged as we all should be. Would a slap on the wrist be sufficient or would penalty as severe as allowable more appropriate to demonstrate this absolutely will never be tolerated and if it occurs you see what will happen...you know in this generation where everyone carries a phone and seems to snap a pic or stream anything and everything.
Cut down on your moral indignation. There is no reason for you to get all defensive unless your family member was one of the victims. Calm down.
The community is outraged (as they should be). The two former employees should be fired (as they should be). They should never be allowed to work on an ambulance, be in EMS, or anywhere near public safety (as they should be). Their careers are done (as they should be), and they will need to move because no one in the community will ever hire them.
What does throwing them in jail do? Other than pander to the moral outrage of the community? Just because the community is outraged doesn't mean these two need to be thrown in jail. I'm sure if you asked the community, hanging these two at noon would be an appropriate punishment. Prison won't help these two idiots, and really serves no purpose other than to satisfy the communities desire for retribution.
Fine them, ban then from the profession, and send them on their way
Although I wouldn't be opposed to 40 lashed carried out in the center of town.....