Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

Yeah, it's terrible that they have all these college boys running the NR, using big college words like "successfully completed" just to confuse all the poor unsuspecting EMTs out there. How dare them.
I had to look it up before i figured it out.
i just checked my results and they came back as follows below....does this mean i passed the "written" portion?????//

Congratulations on successfully completing the cognitive portion of your EMS certification.

To obtain national registration, it is also necessary to successfully complete a psychomotor (practical) examination.

Now, this is scary! C'mon you can't understand this? Do we see where problems in EMS may arise from?

R/r 911
so unfortunately, im one of the victims to the nremt.:sad: ive been looking through this forum though and have found out a lot! so in a way im kind of thankful that i failed...but we'll see if i still think that way when i retake it!

anways so heres what im wondering...
like someone previously said here on this thread, i thought i had it down...i had abc's stuck in my brain. but i have a few questions though that im stuck on. (i read the thread on posting nremt questions so i changed these as much as possible to avoid that!)

1. theres a guy on the prone position with blood coming out of his mouth. the first thing your suppose to do is turn him over right?

2. theres a syringe on the ground, do you cap it and put it in the sharps container or do you not cap it and put it in the sharps container?

thats all i can think of for now, id really appreciate the help!
so unfortunately, im one of the victims to the nremt.:sad: ive been looking through this forum though and have found out a lot! so in a way im kind of thankful that i failed...but we'll see if i still think that way when i retake it!

anways so heres what im wondering...
like someone previously said here on this thread, i thought i had it down...i had abc's stuck in my brain. but i have a few questions though that im stuck on. (i read the thread on posting nremt questions so i changed these as much as possible to avoid that!)

1. theres a guy on the prone position with blood coming out of his mouth. the first thing your suppose to do is turn him over right?

2. theres a syringe on the ground, do you cap it and put it in the sharps container or do you not cap it and put it in the sharps container?

thats all i can think of for now, id really appreciate the help!

What you need to do is make sure that you read the question thoroughly. Trust me although they say it is not a trick test, it really is. Of course you always want to be thinking ABC's, but in the back of your mind you need to pay close attention to how they are wording the question. They will use a combo of how the word is written and the answers they provide to try and get you to jump to one answer that they know you are thinking of by just reading the question. Again you need to read it thorough enough to realize what you think they are asking is different from what you are probably thinking or what your gut is telling you it is.
I think the Brady book is what saved me from failing. I read the whole book twice front to back. Then I went back and read the Airway, patient assessment (medical and trauma) and the OB chapters like 5 more times each. To me 75% of the test had to do with Airway or patient assessment. Mostly just the order in which things should be done during the patient assessment.

I recently took and passed the paramedic exam. I and several other students in my class used a website by prentice hall to practice for the exam. It's pretty good. IT has several long tests, and quizzes over all the sections. It costs around thirty dollars though for a year membership.
youre going to fail first time outfor sure. second time, also likely. third time is a charm and I mean that literally. just try and avoid troubleshooting--tough to do as a medic in any capacity, of course, because thats our duty but registry tests are deceptively candid. instinct it.
Now, this is scary! C'mon you can't understand this? Do we see where problems in EMS may arise from?

R/r 911

This has nothing to do with EMS this is the failure of the American educational system. Its a joke.
How I passed

Just took the NREMT-B exam on Friday and passed. The test asked me 64 questions which I completed in about 35 minutes. My #1 suggestion for how to prepare for this exam is use the EMT-Basic Success on jblearning.com. I only used this resource to prepare for my exam, and I've been out of school since January if that tells you anything. I cannot stress enough how important this website was in helping me to pass.

Good luck!
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JB Learning DOES help...

I just wanted to chime in about the JB Learning website spoken of here. I used that service and it DID really help out! It's probably THE best helper you can buy online. You are given "test" questions as you take a practice test. If you answer incorrectly, you are immediately told that you missed the question, and given the rationale for why another answer was correct. This is a learning step, and very useful for the NREMT. You buy an account to use the service for one year. Beware, they have a limited number of questions, so after a while, you will be seeing the same questions again. Thankfully, since this is computer and web generated, the answers get jumbled up so you don't automatically select the same letter (a,b,c,or d) everytime you see those same questions.

In addition to this, I have to say that NO AMOUNT OF QUESTIONING will help you unless you know the Patient Assessment protocol, and the sequence of events that you have to step through. There is just no substitute for knowing Patient Assessment. I mapped the assessment protocols for medical and trauma in a timeline. Then I made adjustments to that timeline according to the suspected medical issue, or trauma issue at hand. Then I memorized that timeline. If I had done this on my first NREMT attempt (I went to all 3 tries people), I am sure I would have nailed it then.
passing nremt-b

hi guys!

i passed the nremt last year and i am about to finish paramedic school. i took the registry twice. i will tell you that studying and preperation with emscat were the tools that helped me pass the nremt-b. good luck to all that have to pass the registry and all students about to take their practicals for paramedic school!

Hey I feel for ya man! I took my NREMT CBT yesterday and did not pass either. I was pretty confident too! Just like in class when I felt confident with the tests after I took them.I did not do quite as well as I hoped. I saw "failed" and I bummed out too - I feel like a failure. But...I thought the test was kinda hard. Next time I will automatically rule out the 2 answers that are definitely not correct. Good luck to you! Wish me luck too!
Oh! I forgot to mention that I was done about question 120. My friend took the test last week ( and passed ) and he only got to question 70. I guess getting done soon isn't always a bad thing. Everyone is different and every test is different - everyone will think there test was kinda tough. I gotta hit the books...again!!!!! B)
Have you tried the emtb website, they have some great study materials. I also got the jblearning study guide and the emt acheive study guides, use them as a guide after studying to see how well I am learning the material. The better I do on them, the better I do on the exams at school. The lowest score I got is a 95, and I learned today that I am one of 3 in our entire class who is even passing. Our tests are hard and mostly fill in the blank, so there are no answers to guess from, you must know the material. These have helped me alot.
I have never heard of that website - I will have to look into it. I did good on the tests and all,but I am mad at myself because I know the material. We had just multiple choices and there were 2 obvious ones we could rule out right away. I thought the questions were worded kind of oddly,either that or I am making excuses for myself. HA! I will have to check those items out that you mentioned and let you know how they work out for me next time! Thanks for the info. BTW how many people were in your EMT B class? We started out with almost 30 and ended up with 23 or so. :rolleyes:
We started with 35 and are down to about 28 right now. I found another site as well last night, google EMSCAT and it should come up, it is based on the NREMT type of computer testing, the downside is it cost $40, but it tests you in the same format, and grades you and tells you whether you are passing, near passing, or failing. You can take some example questions to get the fel of the test, it seems pretty straightforward, you may just want to take a look at it. I think you will like emtb.com, it has many study aids, crossword puzzles, interactive flash cards, some video, and some short tests. Basically it just tests your knowledge of the material you should already know.
I passed my Basic test this past April. IMHO, the practice tests dont do anything but build confidence going into the exam. I hammered the hell out of my ABCs and everything else fell into place for me. Dont concentrate on memmorizing sample test questions, you'll lose sight of the actual info. Relax and take your time ;)
I made flash cards over every main topic int he book, Types of shock, Meds, hypothermia/ hyperthermia, diving related injuries ect.. made about 150 cards and went through about 50 of them a day repeating for a week before the test as well as reviewing Barons EMT study guide which has two practice test in the back. The practice test i took about a week before the test and scored 73% then 77% kept reviewing and using cards about 1hour a day and passed on the first try.

Example of card:

(Front)- ICP leads to Cushing's Reflex (Triad) list the 3 S&S

(Back) -Shane stokes breathing, Hypertension, Bradycardia
I took my NREMT exam on 26 June and I passed on the first try. Total was 61 questions. Preparation is the key. I studied everything I could get my hands on: flash cards on just about everything, EMSCAT, notes from school, I even signed up for the parameducators website.

2 things - 1) have faith in yourself. If you change an answer, make sure you found the correct information in another question. Be 100% sure you need to change an answer. Most of the time your brain will take a 'shortcut' for you and if you overthink it and change an answer, 60% of the time we change them from right to wrong.

2) Well rested, had something to eat (not 18 cups of coffee).

okay 3 things. Throw out the two dumbest answers. Usually there are 2 fairly good answers and 2 really bad answers. Mentally cross off the 2 answers it could not be (Take 1/2 credit for what you DO know). Of the other two, decent answers, if one does not jump out at you then take the most clear, most detailed of the two. Usually you'll come out on top.

Good Luck! Best bang for your buck is review old tests and quizzes. Even if your training program will not let you take them off the premises they will usually let you sit down in a conference room and go over them and turn them back in. If you have old workbooks you've filled out, read through them. Don't go back and try to re-read all your textbooks, you'll go nuts.
instructor, examiner
EMT-P program Cleveland Clinic Foundation