Have I lost my mind?


Forum Captain
I am currently in what is arguably one of the best MOS's/career fields in the Army National Guard or active duty for that matter, that Mos being 15 U and 15T, helicopter maintainer. We pretty much get showers wherever we go, hot food, you name it not a bad gig for the Army. But now that I am coming up on re-enlistment I either want to take my show on the road and go over to the Navy and become a corpsman or stay green and go to a combat arms unit as medic. Seeing as there are currently no bonus's from anyone might as well get try and get the job I want at least while I work torwards my twenty.
im a little confused by your statement... are you looking for some kind of bonus by becoming a corpsman in the navy or a medic with the army?
It's not a bad gig being a medic. I'm in a combat-arms motorized infantry company and I love it. That being said, it's a bit like being the den mother, IMO. I usually have to be in two places at once, but that being said, I love it.
although we might be in two completely different services since i am a FMF corpsman with marines i am essentially the same as an army medic too... and i cant agree with you more, i love it i too... not only am i the doc, i am the guy these guys talk to when they are having problems, either medical or not, and its great... wouldn't ask for more.
I really don't think my statement is all that vague or ambiguous but what I was trying to say was seeing as the Army and Army Guard are now overstrength and the financial incentive to stay where I'm at is gone it make's it a whole lot easier to try and change services for me. When I joined I probably should have went Medic but I was a little burned out on health care and wanted to broaden my horizons which in my case meant firing cannons which I liked then I moved and ended up in aviation which for some lack of common sense or some other trait on my part I'm not in love with. With all that stated though I'm not so wealthy as to turn down a bonus if I could get one.
Well, how you get treated all depands on the unit. With that said, the medics get treated pretty well in my unit(more so than we do).
Army Aviation treats you pretty good, from what I've seen from the units I've been in or attached to at least. Just not what I want to being for the next enlistment or deployment. I do realize I might be giving up a hot shower and hot food daily while on deployment, giving up single person room etc. that's why I'm questioning my sanity. Easiest thing would be to learn to like working on helicopters, but I feel calling to do something else and feel I'm too old for Infantry.
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really, you expect a shower, hot food, and a single room while on deployment? WTF? are you serious? now that i think of it, you should definitely NOT join the navy as a corpsman because you wouldn't make it.. i would give anything to be in afghanistan fighting for my country on the front lines, not being able to get a shower for months at a time, eating MREs almost every day, just so i could be there with my friends... stay in the army, and keep skating... because it looks like thats your biggest concern.
That's really not too fair. Why fight uncomfortably when you have to? I can and have done the entire "rough because we can" thing, but living in squalor and filth for months on end eating MREs would definately get old. It's not heroic to do things the hard way, it's just part of the job. If I'm lucky enough to get stationed on a cushy FOB with hot water, good food, and A/C, I'll be thrilled.

CitizenSoldiery, I wouldn't be too concerned about age. We just got a new medic who's 40 on his initial enlistment. I'm not sure on bonuses but a recruiter or retention NCO can answer that one for you. Just be aware of a few things.

1. 68Ws do a lot in the Army. You could very easily end up in a BSB or TMC or hospital changing bedpans for retarded civilian nurses. And yes, they are RETARDED! I cut my hand and had one of them tell me that I wasn't allowed to receive a local lidocaine block prior to suturing because it was a cardiac drug(!).
2. AIT is retarded. Not as bad as prior-service, but expect a lot of retarded crap. I had a cadre NCO tell me that a patient can talk through a crike. That's just one example. And IET students tend to suck.
3. Although you should be able to physically keep up, my line medic spot is pretty physical.

I do like being essentially an independent element though. I can think and do stuff on my own without clearing with retarded E4 NCO wannabes. It's nice for a PFC.
who said i was being "rough because we can" the FOB my guys are at is exactly that.. rough. they didn't have a choice, they didn't CHOOSE to be rough... they just have to suck it up... unfortunately my guys arnt lucky enough to get on a army operated FOB where there is a gym and good chow.. its just good ol marine corps standards and about 30 afghan national army soldiers...
I was going to write a whole big reasoned response to you but it seems for some reason you just want to call me out. Whatever, I can live with the fact some people are just superior to me:rolleyes: and I suck at life.:rolleyes: You are the man and I bask in the light of your glory. I've been there and done that too, by choice, I volunteered for my last deployment. I think we all know we didn't join the Army or Marines for creature comforts, if that was the case I would have went Air Force(just kidding Zoomie types). I guess you didn't get the humorous tone I was trying to convey. I probably won't lose any sleep about it though either.
yeah i definitely didn't see the humor... but its alright... im sure you have ben there and done that, probably a lot more than me, and i can respect that... you are definitely right about the air force :rolleyes:... sorry i attacked you so quick... i jump to conclusion very easily on these forums.
Luck my patoot. Go USAF!!

USAF you can eat as much snake as you want or not. My unit's sister unit (the one in "Perfect Storm") are NY stationed, get on with them.
Oh, wait. You might end up in AFGHANISTAN!:ph34r:
HAHA..... its all in good spirit and fun...

at least the USAF has PJs to back them up...
o wait the PJs i met and talked to said the rest of the air force are a bunch of cry babies!!! sorry i had too.. :rolleyes:
It takes a certain mentality to jump out of a C-130 high enough to need oxygen.

The point is that USAF spends a lot of effort and money on supporting their troops while other branches less so, Navy least of all overall.
And compared to PJ's most of the rest of USAF ARE crybabies.
HN have you even deployed yet? Because I've probably spent more time in a sand box crapper than you been in the military. Most FOBs now days currently have running water, gyms, and alot are getting decent DFACs. Most don't eat MREs every day the ones that don't have DFACs eat VREs which are quite good. The only time you will be without running water (running not hot) is if your at a newly built COP or Combat Outpost which is built for a platoon sized element. Not meant to disrespect you but you truly are already suffering from the god complex FMF Corpsmen suffer from.

Being a 68W can mean a vast myraid of placement. Seeing as your guard if your cross level you will most likely be in the same unit so your unit will probably send you off to F1 so you can get your flight wings. I gather that your in an aviation unit due to your MOS. If you ever decide to get hooah again and go active you can be put in a BAS, CASH, or even a CONUS hospital, you can also be put with any line unit or pretty much anywhere ADA, FA, MLRS, IN, MP, MI, etc, etc. It's a pretty nice job most medics are are shammers regardless of rank. IF you do end up in an IN unit you will be an Infantryman and a medic at the same time, Though your guys will treat you nice if your a good medic. If your good you will be called Doc...if your bad you may end being called bandaid. All in all it's a good gig though.
USAF you can eat as much snake as you want or not. My unit's sister unit (the one in "Perfect Storm") are NY stationed, get on with them.
Oh, wait. You might end up in AFGHANISTAN!:ph34r:

That foreign country you mention sounds sort of familiar, I think I stopped at a Green Beans coffee there a time or two.

As for the 106th I actually looked at trying to go there a while back when I was doing my interstate transfer. Army as usual was thinking in the interest of the numbers game and giving me the run around. Had to speak with a CSM from recruiting and retention and he pretty much told me the Army wasn't letting me go, no way , no how and that he had a great unit picked out for me and I could start drilling there that very weekend:sad:. I said roger that Command Sgt. Major and gave up on the Air Force idea. But at least I got two mos's out of the deal.
Thanks for the info, flight medic school sounds good though I would probably be just as happy with a shorter school and placement in a regular medic slot. Something about doing another MOS school as prior service just makes me want the fastest and least complicated school they can offer me. Though I heard there are no more Drill Sgt.'s for AIT students, AIT school's are still a thing to be avoided. As for the wings I already have mine:)
BTW what is a VRE? You don't meant the Jimmy Deans do you? I'd actually eat an MRE before one of those any given day.