HN have you even deployed yet? Because I've probably spent more time in a sand box crapper than you been in the military. Most FOBs now days currently have running water, gyms, and alot are getting decent DFACs. Most don't eat MREs every day the ones that don't have DFACs eat VREs which are quite good. The only time you will be without running water (running not hot) is if your at a newly built COP or Combat Outpost which is built for a platoon sized element. Not meant to disrespect you but you truly are already suffering from the god complex FMF Corpsmen suffer from.
Being a 68W can mean a vast myraid of placement. Seeing as your guard if your cross level you will most likely be in the same unit so your unit will probably send you off to F1 so you can get your flight wings. I gather that your in an aviation unit due to your MOS. If you ever decide to get hooah again and go active you can be put in a BAS, CASH, or even a CONUS hospital, you can also be put with any line unit or pretty much anywhere ADA, FA, MLRS, IN, MP, MI, etc, etc. It's a pretty nice job most medics are are shammers regardless of rank. IF you do end up in an IN unit you will be an Infantryman and a medic at the same time, Though your guys will treat you nice if your a good medic. If your good you will be called Doc...if your bad you may end being called bandaid. All in all it's a good gig though.