If you cared about the people around you, you wouldn't make them wait a half an hour for an ambulance.
If you really want more money, then don't take a job that people will do for free. And don't blame people for volunteering. Volunteering is selfless. If people didn't volunteer, what would happen to the boy scouts, the red cross, etc. This country was founded on selflessness. It's what makes this country great.
Volunteers are here to stay, sorry to say it.
And in response:
Are you planning on becoming a EMS field provider?
As in a paid medic? I don't know. It depends on how my meteorology takes me. That job pays great, and it was one of my two passions as a kid, the other being firetrucks. But if I can't get a job in Meteorology (because its one of the most competitive fields out there), you bet I'd go back to school to get my medic in a heart beat. Plus that would give my fiancee the freedom to get a job where she wants, and then I'd find a Paid Squad to join near them. She's got a 4.0 Architecture student at an Ivy League. I'm sure she'll find a job.
Are you planning on advancing your education in EMS?
My community college offers a solid medic program. I can either get the certificate or an Associates. I'd get the associates, I have a lot of the classes out of the way already. And I already soak up as much knowledge as I can.
Are you passionate enough for it to stay in EMS for more than a few years?
If my other passion doesn't give me a career, then of course. I've always liked helping people. Why do you think I stuck with scouts to get my Eagle? Do you think it was easy? It really wasn't, but I loved volunteering enough and cared about my community. I'm passionate about everything I do. And if my job was being a paramedic, I'd be passionate about that too.