Harris County Emergency Corp

Except HCEC isn't fire based....

Third service Emergency Services District.

I know, I was responding to BBG's post about West University. I'm not trying to take anyway from HCEC, a look around their website also shows them to be well funded I'd imagine.
I know, I was responding to BBG's post about West University. I'm not trying to take anyway from HCEC, a look around their website also shows them to be well funded I'd imagine.

Ahhh, got ya. HCEC from what I understand is very well funded. It's all about how if you have/how you use your tax base. I can show you some full-time FDs with scary equipment as well.
Texas and especially Houston and Dallas tend to pour insane amounts of money into their Fire Departments.


Remember though that West U is an incredibly wealthy department, the average home in this hood is $675,332 that's about 5 times the national average so they have a huge tax base to draw on.
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Ehh... in MA fire-based services (and some third services) put ONE blue light on the rear of their apparatus, but I never seen more than one. I challenge you to find ANY private ambulances with blues in MA. Blue lights are limited to police, in general.

Note: the exception is MSP's two ambulances http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZgdwuxH1Ow
which are technically police vehicles, NOT ambulances...

Other states (NJ comes to mind) allow volunteers to have blue lights on their POVs...

I've seen some FD based units around here with a few rear-facing blues, despite being technically illegal. Saw a South Shore Hospital ambulance with one the other day as well.
Texas and especially Houston and Dallas tend to pour insane amounts of money into their Fire Departments.


Remember though that West U is an incredibly wealthy department, the average home in this hood is $675,332 that's about 5 times the national average so they have a huge tax base to draw on.

I was curious about this after you posted the pic of them. Then I checked out the city web site and saw how small the city is.

That average home price explains alot.
I was curious about this after you posted the pic of them. Then I checked out the city web site and saw how small the city is.

That average home price explains alot.

They also have their own police force. I was privileged enough to meet one of them while taking those photos. Thank god I had stickers. I tossed them in the air and ran like hell :) Just kidding, damn fine officers every one of them.
While the trucks do look sharp, how do they rate with safety/visibility?

As ugly as they are, I am a huge fan of the orange/purple checkerboard as it breaks up the visual field quite intrusively.

As surprising as it is, they are very retroreflectorized and well lit up. While black isn't my cup of tea, they did a great job at making the units visible and as safe as possible for the hood they work in.

Great medics there I might add!