My fiancé has always loved EMS and first response. He's an EMT-B working on his medic and works 60-70 hours a week at a private ambulance service in a busy town that is constantly short-staffed. We recently moved an hour and a half north of his work for my research, so he has that commute each day on top of his 12-18 hour shifts. I know he needs his sleep and so, I find myself just staying quiet about things that we used to talk about and used to do while I listen to the litany of things he's facing on a daily basis, things I know that I can never handle. My heart goes out to him and I find myself powerless to help him. Meanwhile, he's seen so many horrible things, that he's hardened (?), if that makes any sense and I don't feel in touch with his emotions, especially since I can't understand what he goes through. He just frowns at me and shakes his head when I say I'm here for him and says quietly, "I know," which is disheartening. He's suggested I do a ride-along to gain some perspective, but I've a horridly weak stomach and am scared of needles and frankly, have no finesse when it comes to stressful situations. I've no medical background. I'm a British literature scholar who survives in the theoretical bubble of academia. He cooks. I poison him accidentally when I try. I clean. Right now, we don't have any children or pets-- not even a fish. I have my eighteenth century novels and he has his job. Any help or experience would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.