Guilty Pleasures on Duty.

If you're messing with someone else's gear or truck such that they're unable to respond to a call, you deserve to be fired. An egg in my boot would ruin a pair of $300 Danner boots. That's not a "prank", that's ruining someone else's stuff that they paid good money for. Not cool.

Getting in a rig with a stretcher hung, crap smeared everywhere, radios blaring... yeah, we're going to be able to respond quickly to that 0200 cardiac arrest. Not. Taking someone's flight suit and helmet?! In what world is that funny?
I'm usually pretty chill, but some of the things in this thread would definitely make me livid. The only one that happens with any regularity at my company is the lights-and-sirens-on trick if coworkers catch you leaving the rig unlocked.

There was a time someone left a bedpan full of apple juice on someone's seat though haha...
A lot of internet surfing