
Carpe Diem

Forum Crew Member
Reaction score
Hello all. I think I finally found what I was looking for, I am a paramedic student who has been looking for a good forum with many members and lots of helpfull info. I look forward to getting to know you guys and maybe learn a few things.; )
So, my job here is to pry all the information out of you possible. Don't worry, it won't be to painful. So lets get to it....

Whats your name?
Are you from there originally, or are you a transplant?
Why did you move there? or Would you consider moving? and Why?
How long you been in EMS?
If you just changed. WHY!!!!!!! Why would you do such a crazy thing!!!
Are you up to date all all your shots?
Are you married?
Are you aware you could make more money at Taco Hell/Mickey D's/playing Santa/Wal-Mart than in EMS?

So again WELCOME!! Glad your here. Hope you stay a while. But in the mean time, just remember not to feed our makes him come back begging for more. :nerd:
Whats your name? Caryn
Age? 23
Sex: whenever possible
Location? dallas
Are you from there originally, or are you a transplant? been in DFW 23 years
How long you been in EMS? 3 years
If you just changed. WHY!!!!!!! Why would you do such a crazy thing!!! I love to help people
Are you up to date all all your shots? yes
Are you married? yes
kids? 19mo son
Pets? German Shepherd and a cat
how do you feel about ? sheep are cool animals exept when they jump on your truck
How do feel about you? I hope they like me
Are you aware you could make more money at Taco Hell/Mickey D's/playing Santa than in EMS? yes, LOL but then how would you get your daily dose of spit, vomit, blood, urine and poo? Actually money isnt really in the running for things that drive me, I like to make enough to care for my family anything more than that I just spend on others.

Has anybody explained the rules of this forum to you? No, not the written official get a kick in the butt if you break them rules, but the unwritten - dont feed Jon, don't rub Jons belly, Jon can never be right, and the such - rules? I think I got it, if I step out of line, please give a swift kick to the left rear cheek.
Welcome to the group Caryn. I think you'll fit in nicely around here. LOL
Yes welcome to our wonderfully insane "family" of EMS providers. Please feel free to avoid feeding Jon, and watchout for princess and her inquisition, which I see she has already laid upon you. Go forth and spread the word about EMS, and the fact that we are NOT just ambulance drivers anymore!
Thanks! Yall seem like a great crowd, Ill try not to feed jon and I try never to hide anything so inquisition is fine. I hate being called an ambulance driver, the last time a Nurse called me an ambulance driver I said " How would you like to be called an overpaid butt wiper?" Its funny, I have worked about 20 different jobs and nobody ever really understood me, usually they called me a freak or just plain wierd. I found my people the day I got into EMS, its so nice to be understood, accepted and enjoyed for who I am and not who someone wants me to be, or to have to curb my humor for weak stomachs or the faint of heart. Have any of you guys felt that way?:thinking:
:D :D Welcome!!!:D :D

You definitely found the right place, and I know exactly how you feel. Because of a problem with my ankle/scheduling/finances I can't actually work in EMS for a while, but hanging out here is a good substitute. I hope you find the same here. Good to meet you and we look forward to your contributions.
When I tell people what I do they all tend to get a look of :sick: on their faces and then ask how I can do what I do. I just tell them how much I enjoy helping people when times are tough, and when they hear what we get paid they all :embaressed_smile: and realize that some people are actually doing what they love to do, regardless of how much $$$ or how many :sheep: are involved.

Hey, I heard someone gave Jon some :pizza: . Who fed Jon....
I couldnt agree more. People sure are shocked when they find out how much we put up with for pretty much minimum wage. I find that even though people get real:sick: they still cant help but wanting to know all about our worst most "colorfull" calls. Funny how people work hugh?:rolleyes:
Welcome to our off the wall internet Family, :shades_smile: with a great bunch of people here to say the least.
Off the wall huh...I thought we were off the chart....well there I go thinking again.
Thank you, yall are a cool crew. LOL, off the wall, and off the chart.:shades_smile:
Welcome!! I see you already fell for the middle school question and answer session... Looking forward to your input!!
Good morning! I will be happy to. I love me some Marvin:P I would like to put up my pic but for some reason I cant figure out how to do it, I have a mac and when I go to select the option it is on the default of none selected and will not change:thinking:
Oh Dear Gods....

Caryn came here looking for while you still have the chance...

as for basic rules you forgot two major ones
1)women are ALWAYS right
2)If you think a woman on here is wrong anda re going to correct them please see rule 1

welcome welcome welcome

I owe I owe so its off to work I go
wooohoooo I moved up in stats
Hehehe....I like those rules, those are two I might be able to abide by.

Yes my friend, we can be rookies together. Safety in #s LOL.; )
Carpe Diem said:
Good morning! I will be happy to. I love me some Marvin:P I would like to put up my pic but for some reason I cant figure out how to do it, I have a mac and when I go to select the option it is on the default of none selected and will not change:thinking:

Did you check out #6 on this thread? Answers About the New Forum
thanks! dont I feel :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: