Greetings! Newbie here!!


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I just wanted to say hello! :) I am in search to meet new EMS friends. I have been accepted into the EMT program where I live and I start my classes in January.

I have been working in offices for more than 10 years, and I am ready for a major career change...mainly in emergency medicine.

I hope you don't mind me being here (since I am only a student). :unsure:

Take care, and hope to talk to you again.
Of course we don't mind! Welcome to the boards!
I hope you don't mind me being here (since I am only a student).

We all had to be students...welcome ..
Everyone is welcome here. Some of us aren't even EMTs (me). I'm only a First Responder with little desire to become an EMT. It's just not for me. But they still love me all the same.

(I hope anyway.) :D

Originally posted by Chimpie@Dec 1 2004, 04:03 PM
But they still love me all the same.

(I hope anyway.) :D

That depends upon whether or not he gets the BIG posts on this forum. ;)

I would also like to welcome you to our group, and would like to add that if you have any questions during your training classes, don't hesitate to ask us.
Originally posted by EMTstudent@Dec 1 2004, 01:21 PM
I just wanted to say hello! :) I am in search to meet new EMS friends. I have been accepted into the EMT program where I live and I start my classes in January.

I have been working in offices for more than 10 years, and I am ready for a major career change...mainly in emergency medicine.

I hope you don't mind me being here (since I am only a student). :unsure:

Take care, and hope to talk to you again.
So where are you from?

Welcome to the forum! It's great to have you here, and I hope you stick around and continue to post!

Have you purchased any of your books or equipment for your classes? Are you taking them at an EMT school or local community college?

My regular partner in EMS worked a desk job for quite a few years, and recently got into EMS. She loves it, and despite the significant decrease in pay, loves her job.

Anyway - Welcome!
Hello, and welcome! I, too, worked at an office job for many years, but always wanted to pursue emergency medicine as a career. I finally worked up the courage to do it, and I would not trade it for the world.

Good luck in your classes, and as others have said, don't hesitate to ask questions. That's how we ALL learn. B)

Thanks for the welcome everyone! ^_^

I live in Orlando, Florida (grew up here). I am 29, married and have 3 kids (2 of them are my step children). I have been attending Valencia Community College part time for the last 6 years and in the next 2 weeks will finally receive my AA degree. I start the EMS program in January, which I cannot wait for. I have bought my scope and a few other things, but I am waiting for my books to come in. I am anxious to get a peak. The information packet said not to buy much of the supplies before the first class...I guess they are going to tell us all the other things we need?

I look forward to talking with all of you. I have browsed the site some yesterday and found it to be really interesting. I am glad I found this.

Thanks again everyone!
Originally posted by EMTstudent@Dec 2 2004, 06:26 AM
The information packet said not to buy much of the supplies before the first class...I guess they are going to tell us all the other things we need?
Welcome aboard from Southern California!

One of the pitfalls we as EMTs all seem to fall into is going out and buying EVERYTHING we could possibly ever need when we first start. You should have seen the kit I carreid when I first started....biggest, baddest thing I could find. I've since pared it down to a kit a little larger than my wife's purse. They may be trying to forestall some of that and help you get just the basic things you need. Or, they may want you to learn using their equipment before you go out and buy your own.

Good luck, and look forward to seeing your posts.
Hi, All. I'm new, Too

I'm Jon, and most of the way thrugh Medic School

Hello once again Tami. I'm just a little southwest of you in Sarasota.
Hey Chimpie -

Nice to meet another fellow Floridian. You said you were a first responder, correct?

I got a peek last night at the EMT book...very cool! I will be very anxious as the time goes by... Can't believe it's December.

Anyway, thanks again for the welcome everyone!

Take care,

Well, actually former First Responder, out of Indiana. My certification expired about a year ago. Later this month I'll be moving out California and I'll be taking a First Responder/Emergency Response course again.

Welcome!! I too am going to be taking my EMT-B class in January and im excited as well. Im a senior in Highschool but have been involved in EMS as an explorer for the past 5 i've gotten my 'sneak peak' at what goes on. Hope you enjoy the site as much as we all do and hope the class goes well for you :D
WOW - thank you!!!

How old do you have to be to start the explorer program? My daughter has talked about becoming a firefighter or a police officer...but I thought if she did the explorer program... it would help her decide...
