Thanks for offering your expertise on this forum. For nearly all of us paramedics, how billing works is a mystery. Hope you stick around for a while!
Can you give examples of poor documentation that would result in Medicare or Medicaid not reimbursing a transport or treatments?
You're welcome! And I've been around for awhile. and this thread always seem to do very good. It generates lots of questions and lots of interest. It's my pleasure to help! And I'm not afraid to say I'm not sure on something I'm really not sure on. I don't mind talking all about the things I do know about but I don't want to blow smoke about something I really don't know! LOL!!
Comprehensive documentation of the patient encounter is vitally important to accurately paint a picture of patient conditions and treatment
•If there’s pain, include a pain scale, where that pain is coming from and what caused that pain
•If there’s a wound, include where that wound is, how much bleeding, and what cause the wound
•If there’s a fall, include where the patient fell, what they hit when they fell, and what caused the fall
If the picture can not be painted when someone reads the run, then it could give you issues. What crews have to understand is that the insurance representative that's processing the claim and reading the runsheet may know nothing about ambulance transports, they have to be able to read that runsheet and a picture start generating in their mind as they read.
Examples of Poor Documentation:
1-Pt has possible fracture to the right tib/fib
2-Pt found in bed. Transferred pt from bed to stretcher. Moved pt via stretcher to ambulance and transport to hospital uneventful
3-Pt was transported in position of comfort.
4-Pt complains of chest pain and says the pain comes and goes
5-Pt was found in bed and transferred from bed to stretcher
6-Pt complains of abdominal pain since 8 am this morning.
7-Pt has a decubitus ulcer on left side of buttocks.
Examples of Good Documentation that should be in place of the bad ones above (in the same order, ex: Line 1 under poor, Line 1 under good is they way it should be written)
1-Pt has possible fx of R tibia after falling down approximately 6 steps at home. Pt has a 3” hematoma mid right anterior lower leg, approx. 2” above the ankle. No angulation or deformity. Distal pulses intact. Good skin color, sensation and capillary refill above and below injury site. Pain upon movement rated 8 out of 10 described as sharp
2-Pt found in hospital bed in living room supine with oxygen running at 2 lpm via nasal cannula. Pt unable to sit up without passing out. Pt moved to stretcher via 3 person sheet pull with pt unable to assist due to severe weakness. Transported pt supine to hospital with no change in pt condition.
3-Pt was transported in a semi-seated position and denied any pain or discomfort during transport
4-Pt complains of chest pain. Pain started 3 hours ago while mowing grass. Describes pain as “dull” centered under sternum. States pain comes and goes at intervals of 10-15 min and does not radiate to arms or neck. Severity 8 on a 1-10 scale. No complaints of SOB, nausea or vomiting
5-Pt was found in hospital bed in hospital room in supine position unresponsive to voice with arms and legs flaccid. Pt was log rolled onto side and then back onto a sheet. Moved to stretcher via a sheet pull and secured in a supine position on the stretcher with four cot straps
6-Pt complains of abdominal pain since 8 am this morning. Pt states pain is in the RLQ and is sharp in nature. Describes pain as very severe at 10 on a 1-10 scale. Pt denies nausea, vomiting or fever
7-Pt has a decubitus ulcer on left side of buttocks that is bandaged. SNF staff state the wound is Stage 3 approximately 4 inches across. Staff state that severity of wound and pain upon movement make it impossible for patient to sit up in a chair or wheelchair
Hope this is helpful to you. I didn't realize when I was typing that I was typing such a book! LOL!! Have a great weekend!!