Getting hired as an EMT under 21 years old?


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I'm nearing the end of my EMT courses I'm pretty confident I'm going to pass. I'm 18 years old, I'll be 19 in the summer. I believe the class ends in middle-late may.
I do plan to go through paramedic, but not sure if I wanted to take summer classes, if I didn't I'd want to try to get work as an emt but I've heard a lot of companies don't hire under 21 for insurance reasons. By the time the class ends and I take the NREMT I'll probably be 19 or close to it. But would it be even possible to get a job at this age? Or should I just go straight through the summer and take my medic stuff (Assmusing I pass all this emt stuff). I live in Michigan if that helps.
It is usually insurance reasons that people cant get hired but still I know a lot of people under 21 who get hired. Does not hurt to apply. Just know if you have a single thing on your driving record your chances are null. Go ahead and apply. You never know.
Don't stress, you'll have no problem. Hopefully you've had your driver's license for a while.

I know a lot of emts who work for the big 5 in SoCal who are under 21. I have a buddy who took his Emt course in high school. We were running 911 calls with him driving, and he had barely graduated high school like 2 months prior to that.

So don't stress, it's all about how you present yourself.
It is possible, but difficult. If there are absolutly no places near you that hire under 21, look into volunteer services, if there are none, look for ER tech.
I got hired at 18, worked at a ****ty LA dialysis company, then another, and then a 911 provider. All 3 hired me at 18/19, with 2 points on my record.
That's not typical, but it can be done. You're going to need to be more willing to commute than the 22 year old with a perfect driving record, but there will be places for you to work.
I got on an IFT truck at 19, then in the ED. After I got that job (which I plan to keep during undergrad) I finally heard back from AMR and Acadian offering an interview, which I declined because I had what I wanted. As well, I know multiple 19 and 20 year olds from my class that got in at cities. So it is doable, I assure you. A quality service will see past age if you give them a reason to.
I got hired as an EMT at 19 years old. Worked for about a year, now I'm 20 years old in medic school. Will be 21 when I get my P card. You will get hired. Don't worry, just got to have the drive. (alot of people will look down on you just cause your age and expierence. Don't let that bother you, just take it for what it is.
I'm nearing the end of my EMT courses I'm pretty confident I'm going to pass. I'm 18 years old, I'll be 19 in the summer. I believe the class ends in middle-late may.
I do plan to go through paramedic, but not sure if I wanted to take summer classes, if I didn't I'd want to try to get work as an emt but I've heard a lot of companies don't hire under 21 for insurance reasons. By the time the class ends and I take the NREMT I'll probably be 19 or close to it. But would it be even possible to get a job at this age? Or should I just go straight through the summer and take my medic stuff (Assmusing I pass all this emt stuff). I live in Michigan if that helps.

Yes, there are companies in Michigan that will hire you if you are <21. For the most part, the non-profit private companies tend to have fewer problems hiring personal younger staff. I know of three companies in the greater Detroit area that hire staff younger than 21.
Totally area dependent.
Area dependent .. I live in NY and finished my EMT in march and i start orientation april 13th .. and i'm 19.
Most EMS companies, at least here in Chicago will hire under 21 only caveat is they won't certify you to drive as their insurance premium would go through the roof.

Also a word of advice do some work as a basic before you go and get your medic, it's good to gain some experience on the street before you get inundated with the insane amount of information required to be a medic. At the very least it'll make you more comfortable with the basics of patient care
I know a few people here in MN that got EMT jobs before they were 21. Like others have said, I'm sure you will be just fine.

You said you didn't really want to take the summer off before starting Paramedic school, what's the rush? Heck, I'm 26 and I plan on working as an EMT for a year or more to gain as much experience as I can. Great if you can juggle both an EMT job and Paramedic school but you're so young. Slow down.
Our municipal agency doesnt hire under 21 due to insurance. They are prohibited from operating a township insured vehicle under 21