Frustrated w/class


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I am in an enhanced class in VA, it is relatively new, the oh so knowledgeable EMS council wants to phase the enhanced and intermediate out, making it so you are either an EMT-B with some extra skills tacked on or your a paramedic, no in between. So for now, I am going up the ladder one step at a time till were forced to make decisions.

My class has some great instructors but...were being taught out of an intermediate book and workbook as there is no book for an enhanced and our instructors are vague as to what we really need to know and what we need to study. If we ask what we should know and study for a test, were told "Everything". No homework has been given and were in the 3rd month of class, many of us still feel a bit lost as to what we need to know, were given something one night in class with no real direction, no study this as were going to have a quiz on it, just no real direction. This last test we had, several came out after it was over shaking their head, one girl fell apart, I was a bit wide eyed and looking over the questions now, there were more than a few of them that were for an intermediate, we won't be doing an advanced airway where we will be putting things down the tube. Others dealt with more advanced medication.

I am not sure if I should just man up and go talk to the instructor or just keep studying hard and pray I pass once we do our state test and clinical in front of a state instructor. I am sure he is a busy man, but yet he doesn't really seem to care if we do have test questions that are not for our scope of practice were studying, nor does he seem to see the point of giving us home work so we can have another way of studying and learning.

What do ya'll suggest? Anyone else been in this situation? We also know that the class before us was taught in the same manner and the same sort of feelings of how that class was direction or real leadership or firm understanding of what we need to know as enhanced ALS providers.
Hell yeah i would be frustrated too. My advice is to go to the admin, and express your concern without your instructor. He/She is not that compentant if they teach the way you describe.

Thank you...I keep hoping things will get better but they aren' I may go talk to him and see..the instructor. I haven't gone above his head as he told us the first day of class, that is our right, however, the old adage will hold true if we do, :censored::censored::censored::censored: roles down hill and we WILL hear it if we do and not come to him first.
Since there is the enhanced level there and they are the "instructors", it is their job to know what they need to teach for that level, if they don't, it is time to get new instructors. You're paying for it so you should get your money's worth.
Our rescue squad is paying for it...I am wondering if we need to go talk to our chief, though right now were in between chiefs, but I know who is going to be voted in and our last chief saw no reason why we weren't all satisfied with being basics, as he said ALS was a waste of time...*sigh*
"ALS is a waste of time..." good thing he's on his way out... You need to talk to someone about class before you get too far in. In the mean time, never hurts to learn more than "need to know". ^_^
Go and talk to the instructor. I'm kinda of split on your story. On one hand, the vast majority of my undergrad and grad courses had zero homework, so I'm not honestly bothered with the lack of homework given in class. The test should match what was lectured on, which should match, to an extent, the text book. On the other hand, I fully know what it's like when the entire class feels like an exam came straight from left field. The only advice I can give you is to take good notes, study, and try to talk to the instructor again.
Don't want to fail and as well want to know what to do in real life, then speak up and discuss this with your instructor. He's not going to bite, and if he does cause problems remember that he also has a boss that can cause poop to roll down hill and trust me not giving homework, objectives is not what he wants to justify.

Sorry, sounds like your instructor probably does not know what is supposed to be covered. Sounds like a mess. The reason there is no text is simple, no one else has "enhanced" which is the basically a fancy way of saying advanced without the pay or structure. Again, another B.S. title for cheap wages.

Be sure to list and I am sure other students has the same problem, unite and discuss this with him. I wish you luck.
Go talk to your instruc. with some of your classmates if poss. if that doesn't work inform your chief and have it documented so you don't look bad for something you couldnt help and then go talk to the dean of the school.
Sounds like the EMS council started a class without figuring out their structure first. They knew they wanted something different but paid little or no attention to how that was going to work in practice.

Ask questions, if the answers don't help.. ask more questions... better to be a pain in the side (or lower) of the instructor than to cause damage in the field.
Going to talk to some of the other students in the class on Wednesday night to see if they all felt the same way. Looking over our test, there are questions that pertain to ALS that we will not nor be able to do under our scope of practice, so why put those in there when we cannot nor should not be doing? Also a few questions were from a chapter that we will be going over that night...

If we are all in agreement, then I am going to stand up and talk to the instructor in class, while all of us are present so that we ALL can get our questions out and answered. Several have said if I get up and lead the group, they will back me up, so lets hope so. Maybe then we all can air our worries at once and things can get solved.
I think everyone is getting to advanced! go back some years, in many cases, a long tome ago and have a instructor,admin confrence. hell whats the worse that could happen? the problem is in the open and if he/she cant deal with it, they do not need to be in a position to teach.