Forged certs

The suggested amount of times is 4 hours. 4 hours is not mandated. Not going to class, not participating in class and not taking the required tests is fraud. A class of 3 recert candidates lasting less than 4 hours is to be expected. Class time estimations are based on at least 6 participants per ACLS instructor. When I do an ACLS recert for 2-4 people it does take a less than 4 hours to get through everything. If I add another 2 it goes almost 4.

I fully agree with you that there are many many factors regarding how long it takes to teach the material outlined for a class. As i said before i was not and do not condone "no show" classes. I will assume you are a more than competent ACLS instructor, who after years of teaching the same material (with a few changes in protocols obviously thru the years) you have probably gotten to the poiint where you can teach it in your sleep. You also need to factor in the skill level and competency of your students as well. If your teaching a brand new class of Paramedics in ACLS you can assume it will take a substantial amount of time longer than it would to be teaching a group of Paramedics with 10-20 years of experience. Unfortunately in MA, far to much emphasis is placed on "time approved" for a class than the quality of the class. If OEMS stamps 4 approval on your class you had better be there for 4 hours according to OEMS. We have had these discussions in MA for a long long time. WHy not just test everyone Written and/or practical for your recert instead of allowing all these less than stellar continuing education classes?