Arteries, veins, any and all blood vessels. No big surprise it is a top seller at fairs around here along with fried oreos, fried twinkies, funnel cakes, and fried just about anything else.
How about a deep fried bigmac?
Take 2/3rd pound of beef, make it into patties, (I've NEVER ate this... But apparently was told by a man who had to have been 500+lbs of fat it's delicious...

Next, take a hamburger bun, and a bottom of one. toast them in a toaster, and than put them into the fryer.
After than, let the buns "cool down" and put mayonaise, olive oil, and garlic on the top and bottom buns, and on both sides of the middle bun. add your two beef patties. lettace, tomato, onion, and thousand island dressing.
And then take French-Fries, cover them in butter. let the melted butter soak into the fries, roll them in salt, and deep fry them.
Although your arteries are going to hate it, and you may end up with a stroke afterwords, or go into full cardiac arrest...