Hello, My name is Dan Bowman and I’m the Deputy Chief at Collier County EMS. I work hand-in-hand with Dr. Tober in an effort to assure the highest level of pre-hospital care within our community. I'd like to thank all of you for your support and candor, and therefore ask for the membership's help.
Collier County EMS, along with Dr. Tober would first like to recognize that the problem that exists in our County is not a "firefighter" issue. As a matter of fact, I’m a full supporter of ALS within the fire service. All I and the OMD ask is there be adequate training and clinical exposure corresponding to the level of care expected of everyone operating on any emergency scene. In other words, keep-up with your training, work on an ambulance “occasionally” in order to get more in-depth exposure to patients and be accountable for yourself, your department and the community. While our standards may seem simple and obvious to most, some people are struggling. You’re witnessing this play-out in our local media. What you don’t see are the department’s whose firefighter/paramedics are up to the task and working very hard and competently.
While we continue to move forward in our efforts, I would like to hear from any of you whose departments have been through similar circumstances. More specifically, I understood one of the posts indicated that within their department, they ride around 50% between transport and non-transport apparatus. I’d like more details similar to operations/standards such as this. Any other suggestions will be very appreciated.
We are very proud of our paramedics and EMTS within all of Collier County. We’ve won numerous State and National awards, have a phenomenal save-rate and recently Dr. Tober was awarded the Florida State Medical Director of the Year. We’re confident with our mission and anticipate that eventually, those administrations who seem to be lagging behind will eventually catch up with the standard we’ve set.
Feel free to contact me via PM. You’re support is appreciated.