Flirting on scene


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So this past weekend I definitely had a medic from the transporting ambulance flirt with me while he and I were taking care of a patient. In fact, I was holding c-spine and he was "helping" me by snaking his hands around mine and holding "with" me. He and I sat there (patient, by her own means, had slumped to her knees after sitting on a wall) holding her while his partner had to get everything off the truck by herself. The whole time we were waiting he held my gaze and flirted.

I don't mind the transporting EMTs/medics flirting by any means, in fact this is a fairly common occurence it seems, but I think it's highly inappropriate during patient care. Not to mention that my boyfriend had a fit when I told him about it. (He's an EMT, too.)

Now, how exactly is the best way to deal with this?
That would have ticked me off. Hard to say anything in front of the patient, but I would have told him "hey, I got this..." that type of thing. What a scumbag.
Completely unprofessional and totally uncalled for. If it happens again, tell him straight out that you're not interested and please leave you alone. If it happens after that, let your supervisor know and ask him/her to place a call about the incident(s) to the other company's supervisor. Document everything (time, date, place, and his actions) so you can provide specifics. We (EMS professionals) have enough to worry about every day without stuff like this.
Okay, I searched and searched for it but I cant find it. I know I posted something here at one time about the FF who asked me out over top of a trauma alert we were backboarding.

It happens. Its really how you deal with it. If if offends you, you need to put a stop to it right now. The longer you blow it off and pretend it didn't happen, the longer its going to go on.
With Dan, I told him that I was not interested in any sort of physicality with him. I explained that joking around and whatever is cool (cause all the guys do it; it doesn't bother me); but that any advancements aren't cool.

Drag him aside and let him know that you're not ok with this. If all else fails, get your BF to tell him...haha
Okay, I searched and searched for it but I cant find it. I know I posted something here at one time about the FF who asked me out over top of a trauma alert we were backboarding.

It happens. Its really how you deal with it. If if offends you, you need to put a stop to it right now. The longer you blow it off and pretend it didn't happen, the longer its going to go on.

Princess, is this the thread you were talking about: Just....EWWWW

TCert, that is inappropriate behavior on scene and you shouldn't wait until the next time it happens to tell him to back off.
One of my best partners asked his now wife out over a trauma. He is the most "by the book" and "total patient care" kind of guy, but he got her number while they were working a code together. Maybe it's part of EMS?
I know it's hard for some girls to sound intimidating, but do your best to warn him that if he goes any further or does it again, you are going to bring in the authorities (even if you really don't)

A good scare is all he needs.
What a turkey.

There's a time and a place for everything, and it sounds like he picked the wrong time AND place. Some guys really are oblivious to the world around them. Gotta say "Look, I'm flattered, but I'm taken. Got it?" or something like that.

And talk about your boyfriend. A lot. I mean, a LOT. :D
yah that is uncalled for during pt care. As for your boyfriend having a fit...pffft...tell him to suck it up ...Im sure this isnt the first time and its not gonna be the last that you get flirted with....its how YOU deal with it that he should be upset or not about
In a way, I find it funny, we really are a strange group of people. On the other hand if I had been his partner, Id have torn him up when we cleared the call for having me do everything by my self so he could flirt. Really, who needs help holding c spine?:rolleyes:
Thats what's so sleazy about it. He starts not only verbally flirting but rubbing his hands on her when she's doing C-spine. Its not like you can just stop and walk away. I think teasing and flirting is ok when done in fun, but some people don't know or can't tell when they have pushed the boundaries too far!!:)
Remember the golden rule!
If he's cute, it's flirting. if not, it's sexual harrassment! :D

(thanks! I'll be here all week..)
LOL- oh of course, that golden rule. :rolleyes: If it's George Clooney, by all means help me out!!!!
Wow, I thought that I'd be getting some tips on how to handle this situation in the future, and it turns out that I sent this poor guy to the gallows. Ok, before we go ripping this guy apart any further, he's not sleazy and he's not a scumbag. In fact, I actually really like and respect this guy. The biggest issue was that, as fm_emt put it perfectly, it was definitely the wrong time and the wrong place. I'm totally guilty of flirting with the medics I work with, but I limit myself to the times I'm not treating the patient.

Now, that all being said, I really didn't need any assistance whatsoever with holding c-spine. And yeah, if I had been his partner, I'd have been totally pissed. The next time it happens, I'll definitely try to say something before it goes anywhere, because I really don't mind it, but when I'm treating a patient, it takes away from their care, which I don't like at all.
Ok... Wow...

Yeah.. that is NOT cool. If you were doing a perfectly good job holding C-spine, he should be doing whatever else needed to be done.

Read him the riot act... that isn't OK. Ever. Not in front of a patient.
He He He, I forgot to ask how cute he was, makes all the time tell him to show you in the training room about c spine, not with a Pt. Lol.:P
Ok, TCERT...seriously, if your holding cspine and he places his hands over top of yours, look at him and say "OH, You've got this?" and then slip yours out from under his and go about assessing the patient. He is then committed to maintaining that, and you can work on the rest.
Ok, TCERT...seriously, if your holding cspine and he places his hands over top of yours, look at him and say "OH, You've got this?" and then slip yours out from under his and go about assessing the patient. He is then committed to maintaining that, and you can work on the rest.
Wow... that would be an easy way out.
That was pretty good!