First time EMT needs info!


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I'm about to start turning my first application and it feels weird with my resume being so short. As a first timer, do company's expect to really see a long resume or is high lighting yourself and it being short ok? Also with a cover letter, how big is that weighed on? Should it always be included or as a first timer is a thank you letter better or both? If anyone has time to look over my resume I would be thankful. Also should I expect skills testing to be hired? If your reading this thanks for you time and help!!! I'm based out of CA.

Thank you again
In order to get EMT experience, you have to get an EMT job. Companies know that you have to start somewhere. My first EMT job(that i am still at) is at the best company in LA County imo. PM me your stuff and i will help you out.
Cant speak for your state, however all private services in the nashville area dont require skills test, just a week long orientation, about their specific rules and responsibilities. If your lucky enough to go through a hiring process for a 911 service, DEFINATLY expect a skills test, along with a written test based on your level of training.
It all depends on the ambulance company on what you have to do. I got hired at one place and didn't have to take any written or skills test and it was just 8-hour orientation. The other place I got hired at had a written test and a skills test just to get an interview. Then it was followed by 2 weeks of orientation with alot more tests during that time.