First shift, what to expect? Private Ambo


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This might sound like a really stupid question, but for my first shift I am unsure what to expect.

I had my orientation where I was shown the miscellaneous software, and given all my access codes and stuff. But apparently that's it for training-- my first shift will apparently be 'to the wolves' working on a basic-rig. I mean they didn't even do any driver training just a brief 'no going lights and sirens to a routine appointment-- and no blowing through stop signs at 100mph' speech.

So what should I expect? I work per diem as a basic on a 911 ALS rig, so it's not like I am a completely clueless 'got my license yesterday' type EMT-- although I am still very new and will be for the next 30 years!--, but obviously dialysis runs are very different from trauma and codes.

So what should I expect an 8hr shift to be like? How about a 16hr or a 24hr-- I am scheduled for those rather quickly.

Can anybody walk me through what I should expect, my first day in the private ambo world?
Expect to get worked like a dog. Eat when you can.
Pack a "go" bag that can sustain you for a 12 hour shift and possibly a 24 hour shift. Spare uniform, snacks, water, toiletries, etc...
I didn't say that, but it's always best to be prepared. In one of the systems that I used to work, 12 hour shifts often ended up turning into 14 hour shifts.

Edit: I just re-read your post and noticed you will primarily be working 8 hour shifts. My above advice still stands however.
Meh it's not hard. Finding you way to the facilities and the actual rooms themselves will probably be your biggest challenge. Maybe getting used to a new PCR system. It'll be fine if you know you're way around the ambulance and how to transfer people. Odds are many of your patients will not be able to self transfer.
As BLS you will run more. You will eventually figure out your own routine. Be descriptive in your narratives and collect the the paperwork the company requires you to get and for the most part do your best for your patient.
Literally the crappiest EMTs can do IFT transfers.

So...that would be EMT's smeared in feces.

OP, the hardest part of IFT isn't the patient care, but finding your way around the hospitals and the paperwork. Check that the discharge/transfer packet includes original copies of whatever your state requires. If you show up to a SNF or psych facility without the right form, you'll be taking a drive back to wherever you picked up the patient.