First EMT interview


Forum Probie

I am an eighteen year old who recently got nationally certified/state certified to work as an EMT in the state of California. I have no prior experience in EMS and have not had a legitimate job before, but I volunteered in the Emergency Room for two years as a patient care provider.

While I still have a couple more steps to go, (med exam card/ambulance driver cert) I managed to get an interview with AmeriCare ambulance in Carson. It's a three-step interview process with a written, oral, and skill examination.

What can I expect during this job interview, and how can I make a good impression even if I don't land this job the first time around?

I will keep re-applying to multiple ambulance companies if I have to.

Thank you! ^_^


Forum Crew Member
One, be professional: Dress nicely, be on time, be confident and well spoken.

two: be prepared, have copies of any certs you have, get your LA Scope cert-UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine for pre-hospital care has one online you can do. They will send you an email showing it is done and then a cert in the mail a week later.

three: go over scenarios in your head, what you do when people around you are angry, dissatisfied or irritated. You will get upset nurses and doctors and even patients and families. How will you handle the situation. Being young you may need to talk to others to get their experiences and insight. What is your strength and your weakness (I always hate that one).

four: tell them you want the job! So many don't say I would love to work with you/your company and seem like they show no interest. They won't get hired.

Good luck and study for the tests and review your skills-usually airway and suctioning (BVM, Nasal canula, OPA, NPA etc) since most commonly used in transport. But make sure you review CPR and other topics too. I just got hired in LA County with a different company. They said they are not hiring new EMT's. I have not worked for an ambulance company but I have interned in a hospital for 1.5 years with ER for 6 months. So, I am not entirely without experience. Again, GOOD LUCK!!


Forum Ride Along
Study over your EMT stuff for the test and be sure you know your skills. be ready to answer questions like: Why do you want to be an EMT? What are your weaknesses? What are your strengths? Three words to describe yourself? Are you ok with working 24's?

You will have a good chance. They are hiring about 10-15 new EMTs every 2 weeks.