Fired over facebook message. Illegal? Maybe.

How is my name masculine? I'm curious because everyone seems to think I'm a guy.
Medic school, drunk guy decided to call me "the first aidey lady".

Put in that light your name makes sense, however, taken just as it is without any explanation behind it it seems to be a masculine first name, or at least that is how I interpreted it. Again, my apologies if I have slighted you, it was not my intention to do so.
Don't worry, you didn't. I'm just amused becuase you are like the 10th person to call me a guy.
*Gets on soapbox*

That is one of my biggest pet peeves, and I really hope you don't know how offensive you sound. Claiming libel or slander when someone implies another person has a psychiatric problem is insulting to every person out there with a mental illness. It is like saying that calling someone gay or black is libel/slander. It implies that being those things is somehow bad, and it hurts a "normal" person to be called those things. If they want to go after her becuase it was inaccurate, fine. But to go after her for libel is deplorable and beyond insulting.


A little more info on the case:

No offense meant at all. I was just trying to point out that somebody was going to throw the term into some legal papers somewhere in this case. I never said I was agreeing with it one way or the other.

I had too many classes during my stint in another career path that threw the term out in nearly everything. Not saying it's right, but it's hard to find a case like this where slander or libel isn't thrown in at one point or another. It doesn't matter what they're referring to. Even the second article throws out slander.
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Last time I posted in a thread about facebook and work I got an infraction. (Not compaining, I overstepped the bounds and was warned accordingly).

So I'll say "the internet isn't as anonymous as everyone thinks it is, especially if you're not careful. Yeah she may or may not win her suit, I don't know enough about the laws to say either way, however, wouldn't it be a lot easier to just keep your trap shut?" And leave it at that.

Don't worry, you didn't. I'm just amused becuase you are like the 10th person to call me a guy.

I only figured out that you're a female about a week ago :ph34r:
AMR is pretty adament that she was fired because she had an additude problem and they had recieved complaints about how rude she was to patients.

And according to she spoke to her union rep before signing off on anything.

I dont think CT is an at will state, I know they (illegally I think) force you to join an union if your company has one.

either way I feel that this girl isnt using the brains cells she has, She is young enough to understand what privacy settings are on FB and didnt use them.

I run my mouth on FB all day, but i put my brain cells to go work and 1. Im not friends who co workers, 2. my page is private

Im not seeing the proof where AMR fired her because of what was said on FB or how they even knew she was stupid enough to be writing things on there.
So I'll say "the internet isn't as anonymous as everyone thinks it is, especially if you're not careful.

I work for an ISP, and let me say this to everyone...

EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING you do on the Internet can be found out by somebody. It's just a matter of how much time and effort they want to put into it.

Like Chimpie says in his signature
"Think before you post."
Like Chimpie says in his signature

Also translated as:



Do any of you have agency policies about what should and should not be posted on sites like facebook and mypage or whatever? We are looking to implement a social media policy at our service. Any advice? Not to hijack this thread of course. So please don't reply in this thread. PM me.
Do any of you have agency policies about what should and should not be posted on sites like facebook and mypage or whatever? We are looking to implement a social media policy at our service. Any advice? Not to hijack this thread of course. So please don't reply in this thread. PM me.

Better yet, why don't you start a new thread about it so others may learn.
Gotta take care to watch what you post and where you post it these days. I dont like the facebook location update. just seems like so many problems are coming from the site. I am thinking of deleting my profile on it.

Or you could, you know, just turn off the location feature...
Brown says bad things about work on Facebook, but, never by name only in generic terms and it is not listed on Facebook where Brown works.

Brown agrees that any orginisation must take practicable steps to protect its reputation and image however that does not stop people having thier own point of view and expressing it as such.

Be careful where thy treads.
I dont think CT is an at will state, I know they (illegally I think) force you to join an union if your company has one.

CT is an at will state and you are not forced to join the union at AMR, your are forced to pay union dues because everyone is hired under the union contract. You have to pay an extra $1 a week to the strike fund to join the union and have a union vote.
so im confused, I thought at will meant that you could fire for any reason?

Thanks for the union clarification. I was looking to move to CT last summer, but my misunderstanding of the union rules there was a reason I didnt go.

AMR is standing by that she was just a witch to patients
...or just not use something that checks you in.

This seems like kind of a redundant suggestion. What you quoted from me was an alternative to an action (deleting a Facebook profile) that would have had the same net effect as what you're suggesting (ceasing use of Facebook, which is what checks you in). I'm just saying that when an alternative is proposed to something, it's understood that both things are alternatives to each other, so it seems kind of redundant to propose the original as an alternative to the alternative.
Deleting Facebook and not using something that checks you in are two different things. I use Facebook, but my phone doesn't access it. Therefore I am never checked into any location regardless of my Facebook settings.
Whether one deletes one's Facebook profile or just doesn't use it, the net end result is the same: one isn't using Facebook. It's Facebook that checks one in, not the phone.

My point was to inform Harvey that if he'd like to continue using Facebook, but doesn't think he can due to the check-in feature, that turning that feature off is a better solution than ceasing to use Facebook entirely. Not everyone realizes that "features" like this are optional and can be turned off, disabled, or opted out of. If Harvey would like to continue to use Facebook and would like to continue to be able to access it from his phone, then turning this particular feature off is the best solution.

Of course, if he no longer cares about using Facebook, then it doesn't really matter; may as well go ahead and delete it.