Filling voids

Brandon O

Puzzled by facies
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Anyone want to share how they generally like to go about filling voids when immobilizing?

I know a lot of us probably tend not to bother, but I'm increasingly feeling like this is bad care. Boards suck.
Anyone want to share how they generally like to go about filling voids when immobilizing?

I know a lot of us probably tend not to bother, but I'm increasingly feeling like this is bad care. Boards suck.
Towels and blankets work well.
Yeah towels and blankets.

I "inherited" a pile of 10 by 30 combine dressings someone bought (see thread about non-medical authority), we are putting them in kits to be used as splint padding.
Used to see beanbags made with little styro beads, but they were pretty useless.
Towels and occasionally blankets.

You can get them for free at your local ER. :blush:
towels are good for smaller voids. sheets for bigger ones, blankets for those really big ones!
I've used anything from a washcloth to our med bag, depends how big the void is. Use anything that fits.
I've used anything from a washcloth to our med bag, depends how big the void is. Use anything that fits.
I'll second the med bag. I've used gear bags for various things - including supporting a 600lb CHFer in a somewhat sitting position in a Stokes Basket.. because he wouldn't fit on the stretcher.

And Sheets and/or trauma dressings work very well - blankets, even bath blankets, can be too think.