FF/SCBA Removal


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I would like to know if their is any INFO on any training on removing SCBA off of a fallen fighter. I am looking to put a class on how to remove a SCBA safely off a Fire Fighter that might have fell off a roof or off a Ladder. If any one has any info on this matter. Please let me know.

Thank you all for help on this matter.

First of all, welcome to our own little corner of dysfunction.

I'm interested in hearing the reply to this as well, because honestly I haven't given it much thought.
I guess it depends on the mask. We use MSA at our house.

My thought would be if the pt is lying supine, I would remove the helmet, cut the nomex hood and cut the adjustment straps then pull the face piece away. The back piece would still be under the pt., but could be removed when you log roll or LAD on the the BB.

I, fortunately, haven't had to treat a brother yet. The above is strictly hypothetical.
If they're in an SCBA, I kinda doubt they'd be laying supine. Best bet might be to log roll them to one side and cut the facepiece and SCBA harness straps, then log roll them back onto a backboard after removing the tank and harness out of the way.
I guess I was considering the face mask mainly, not the tank. I guess, at best, they'd be lying semi-supine, but I do agree with your method.
For removal of SCBA I would say if you need to cut then cut other wise just loosen the straps. The tank is held on by straps that are similar to a back pack strap with two straps going across the front for proper alignment. There is one strap across the abdomen and the other is across the chest. If you have to cut make sure you just cut the straps off for the shoulders top and bottom.

The face piece has a mesh style back to it that goes under the nomax hood so you can cut the hood or just remove the hood. (It just slides up over the head. If your pt is still lying on their side I would just take one hand and lift the mesh backing off the head and flip it over the front of the head which allows for easy removal of the face piece. There are about 5 staps on the face piece that can be loosen and/or cut.

In all cut the straps if you need to but Im not sure how much all that stuff cost which like anything if you can avoid cost by all means do it. It has been a few months since I have put SCBA on but I would suggest that all EMS personnel at least have some training on SCBAs but as like most squads I'm sure its not an issue pushed. It has been mentioned for us to have EMS pack up but I've never seen it done yet.

If you want more info let me know and I can help you out more indepth.
You would treat them similar to how you would treat a motorcylce helmet.

If there is no spinal trauma - cut it away as quickly as you can. Obviously, if there was a building collapse or a fall you would need to be much more concerned about their c-spine.
I thank all of you for your input on this matter. I understand all about SCBA and how they work. I been using them for 15yrs.I just need to know if their is any INFO on how we all can hold C/spine when the FF is down or better yet you all know EMS is the last one's to see the FF. We all know if a Brother FF falls every one on his crew is going to go and drag or carry him out to the EMS. I just wanted to pass this INFO off to the fire dept so the FF doesn’t get injured any more then what he or she all ready is. I was think like holding c-spine then have my partner would remove helment,mask the hood, then if possible remove the pack. Then lay him or her down in the neutral then log roll on to back board :usa:
If any one has any INFO on this just let me know
You have to treat it like any other C-Spine injury... you need to get the SCBA off, and then try to stabilize the spine... holding manual C-spine traction is ok... but the only way to immobilize the FF is to get the SCBA off. In short... worry about getting the SCBA off before you worry about c-spine... you can't immobilize at all with the SCBA on.

On a related note... what about turnout gear... how do you get that off? I had a pt. at a house fire do an FDGB on a patch of ice (from an overflow valve). Hurt their leg, poss. fx. ankle.

We treated the gear like MC Leathers..... pulled the boots off, pulled the pants off, got the patient out of her jacket (10pm fire call...she came from home... and wasn't totally dressed.... 2 of us blocked the back windows. :o). Anywhoo.... I don't suppose cutting jacket/pants would really work... nomex/kevlar combination.

If someone cut my gear w/ out trying to pull it off first. I'd :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: ing kill the god:censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: heads.
depends on the injury .
We're going to try this method at our next SCBA quarterlies. I'll let everyone know how it works out.

Scenario: Injured FF from a fall, suspect C-spine injury.

1. Extend all straps on SCBA harness and facepiece and undo waist strap.
2. Remove facepiece.
3. While maintaining manual C-spine control, log roll patient onto his side.
4. Remove straps from side that is up in the air.
5. Place backboard behind patient.
6. Log roll patient back, elevating above SCBA tank
7. Remove strap from other side.