fdny emt civil service exam

I just got.mine yesterday!! My list number is 87. A coworker is at the top of the last list from exam 2004 and he's starting the academy either the.end of this month or July. My list number starts the academy in.October.. they accept 150 candidates for each class and there are approx 3-4 classes per year... Good luck!

How do you know your academy start date already? Have you taken the physical and background intake yet? If so, how long ago did you do them? I take my physical in 2 weeks.
hey guys well i just got my emt civil service exam score which was a 70 and list number 507 does anyone know how long i have to wait for my physical i applyed last year 2012 and just got my score this month:rolleyes:

My score was a 70 as well but my number is 313. Guess my last name helped me out lol.
Everything is 2 weeks apart. Whenbi.got my list number, 6 days later I got my physical date. Took the physical march 30th. Going for my interview on Monday. Spoke with instructors on the 30th and they told me approx. July 1st ill be in.
Also, out of 150 people that took the physical with me, only 40 passed.... We just might be in the same class.
Was it hard? Does your heart rate have to stay below a certain number? What was the speed of the stairmaster and the arm thing?
They don't care about your heart rate like the FF test. It's 59steps per minute. You wear a 40lb weighted vest. You do a 1 minute warm up. Get off and rest for 45 seconds and then get back on and go for 3 minutes and 2 seconds. The arm endurance test is so easy. If the guy sees ypu easily doing it he will raise the resistance so I made a face during the whole time as if I was having a hard time so he wouldn't raise it and the first minute I did my right arm and had my left arm rest and the second minute I rested my right arm and did with my left and the last 30 seconds I did both arms and went faster and felt him raise the resistance haha at the end your Gunna be tired so your Gunna end up using your shoulders to help you turn the petals lol. If you pass the stairmaster you basically passed everything. I HIGHLY suggest getting a membership to a gym that has a stairmaster like I did to condition yourself. Go to the gym like LA fitness or NYSC. And go on it carrying free weights, start with 2 10lb weights and every other day increase the weight. At the end of your practicig like 2 days before your test do 2 20lb weights and make it like its the actual test and see how you do. Good luck!!!!
I have done the raise to the top of the Empire State Building, 86 floors in 18 minutes. I am not worries just wanting more specifics. I just always worry when they monitor your heart rate for some reason lol. If you think there is any chance of me being in the class in July that would :censored::censored::censored::censored:ing rock!
LoL you'll be fine then. You got this. Your calves are going to burn with the weighted vest being on while doing the stairs. Best of luck to you and see you in the July class!
I have done the raise to the top of the Empire State Building, 86 floors in 18 minutes. I am not worries just wanting more specifics. I just always worry when they monitor your heart rate for some reason lol. If you think there is any chance of me being in the class in July that would :censored::censored::censored::censored:ing rock!

The raise? Or race?
hi does anyone know up to what list number they started calling to take the physical test? thanks im in the low 600s so im trying to get an idea when i might be getting a letter
Expect a letter in January. They are skipping numbers to fill their quota for women due to EEO. So you should be getting called sooner than originally expected.
Expect a letter in January. They are skipping numbers to fill their quota for women due to EEO. So you should be getting called sooner than originally expected.

Who gave you that information?

FDNY and the city of NY specifically said they will never conform to hiring quotas. Hiring is done solely by your place on the list.

And EMS has no shortage of women on the job. I would venture to say its as close as 60/40 in some stations.
FDNY and the city of NY specifically said they will never conform to hiring quotas. Hiring is done solely by your place on the list.

Hiring people for reasons other than their QUALIFICATIONS for a job is a load of garbage. Go NYC!
Expect a letter in January. They are skipping numbers to fill their quota for women due to EEO. So you should be getting called sooner than originally expected.

thanks for the info

but where did you hear the information that they are skipping numbers to pick women? I'm pretty sure thats against civil service law.