Fdny ems

Sorry folks wasn't aware this thread existed until Fish directed me to it.

I work as a medic for FDNY.

As far as the pay, starting medic salary works out to be roughly $21 an hour, with EMT being $16 an hour roughly.

It is near impossible to figure out the exact numbers because the pay system is so whacked out how it works.

FDNY has been pretty good for me in the 3 years i've been with them. Can't beat getting paid to take 9 months of class and then get a promotion.

What you can beat, is the absolute horrible pay as mentioned above. Senior EMTs working for the hospital units make far more than I do as a Paramedic. Some top pay hospital unit providers make $28-30 an hour.

Like most, I am just there for the promotional opportunity. If you truly want to make a living out of EMS, you can much better support yourself and family by working for another agency in the region. It could be a difference of $10-20,000 a year...

As far as experience increasing your payscale as a new hire, unfortunately the only experience accepted is that of another NYC agency.

For example if you worked in the NYC 911 system for NS-LIJ for 4 years, you would be hired at 4 year pay.

If you worked for any agency that does not operate in the NYC 911 agency, you get squat and start at the bottom of 44,000 a year.

The biggest issue with FDNY EMS, is our union blows and the people in charge are back stabbing pieces of trash. No boss there is trustworthy as your friend. There is minimal feeling of brotherhood. The job of a conditions supervisor, is simply to find ways to spend their day busting your balls and making you miserable. They really serve no other purpose than helping you to restock your vehicle at the station.

The captains and chiefs are even bigger pieces of trash. I think this stems from the fact that once you make lieutenant, the only way to get to captain and beyond is by being "Appointed." Lieutenant is the only rank which is appointed by exam. After that, its all about a good set of knee pads.

The fire side lives the dream. They make $100,000 a year at top pay to work 2 days a week and have unreal benefits. Fireman are commended for everything they do, whereas EMS only gets news if it is bad news. They all look after one another and have a powerful union. Recently we have been trying to follow their model more, but the leadership of EMS is what is holding us back.
Sorry folks wasn't aware this thread existed until Fish directed me to it.

I work as a medic for FDNY.

As far as the pay, starting medic salary works out to be roughly $21 an hour, with EMT being $16 an hour roughly.

It is near impossible to figure out the exact numbers because the pay system is so whacked out how it works.

FDNY has been pretty good for me in the 3 years i've been with them. Can't beat getting paid to take 9 months of class and then get a promotion.

What you can beat, is the absolute horrible pay as mentioned above. Senior EMTs working for the hospital units make far more than I do as a Paramedic. Some top pay hospital unit providers make $28-30 an hour.

Like most, I am just there for the promotional opportunity. If you truly want to make a living out of EMS, you can much better support yourself and family by working for another agency in the region. It could be a difference of $10-20,000 a year...

As far as experience increasing your payscale as a new hire, unfortunately the only experience accepted is that of another NYC agency.

For example if you worked in the NYC 911 system for NS-LIJ for 4 years, you would be hired at 4 year pay.

If you worked for any agency that does not operate in the NYC 911 agency, you get squat and start at the bottom of 44,000 a year.

The biggest issue with FDNY EMS, is our union blows and the people in charge are back stabbing pieces of trash. No boss there is trustworthy as your friend. There is minimal feeling of brotherhood. The job of a conditions supervisor, is simply to find ways to spend their day busting your balls and making you miserable. They really serve no other purpose than helping you to restock your vehicle at the station.

The captains and chiefs are even bigger pieces of trash. I think this stems from the fact that once you make lieutenant, the only way to get to captain and beyond is by being "Appointed." Lieutenant is the only rank which is appointed by exam. After that, its all about a good set of knee pads.

The fire side lives the dream. They make $100,000 a year at top pay to work 2 days a week and have unreal benefits. Fireman are commended for everything they do, whereas EMS only gets news if it is bad news. They all look after one another and have a powerful union. Recently we have been trying to follow their model more, but the leadership of EMS is what is holding us back.

You pretty much described my service,other than our pay is a bit better,no morale,long hospital waits,fire can do no wrong.......

Hey guys new to the forum. i wanted to kno how often the fdny offers the test to become ems? i know that they just offered sign up last sept but, I wanted to kno is it offered once a yr or twice a yr ..thanks for ur help