FDNY EMS Candidates

I got called this morning for the academy. any idea how long until i get an email with all the information i told the investigator?

i just want something in writing before i tell my current employers.
I got called this past Saturday and didn't get an email until Thursday, you should probably give notice though, I doubt FDNY would take back their offer
I'm looking over the paperwork they emailed me, it states we need to bring PT clothes. Is this in case they don't have pt clothes for us? It also states a knapsack, I thought we had to use a duffle bag?

Duffle bag that you can purchase at Quarter Master for 35$. NO KNAPSACK
I got called this morning for the academy. any idea how long until i get an email with all the information i told the investigator?

i just want something in writing before i tell my current employers.

When you got the call, did they offer you the job and class date ? as well as dates for Uniform fitting ? if yes then you are in. The offer letter usually comes a week or two AFTER you are in the academy. You will get an email just print it show your boss,
When you got the call, did they offer you the job and class date ? as well as dates for Uniform fitting ? if yes then you are in. The offer letter usually comes a week or two AFTER you are in the academy. You will get an email just print it show your boss,
I got called Tuesday and my letter was in the mail today.

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I got called Wednesday I hope I have my offer letter by the 28th...when can we purchase that duffle bag? Would we have time while at quartermaster for uniforms to buy that ? or do they rush you.
Duffle bag that you can purchase at Quarter Master for 35$. NO KNAPSACK
I got called Wednesday I hope I have my offer letter by the 28th...when can we purchase that duffle bag? Would we have time while at quartermaster for uniforms to buy that ? or do they rush you.

Yes while you go for your uniforms you will have a chance to buy the black duffle bag.
make sure you guys buy a locker for your lockers, Note books pens etc
any tips on what to study for ahead of time? Protocols? Or text book stuff?

Your first month is all text book work to prepare you for the state. After that you guys break up into squads and do your own things for the remainder of the Academy. Show up to the study groups made available to you by your CICs. They go a LONG way. Troisi is an amazing instructor.

When you guys get up to the scenarios portion of the Academy. know your CITY protocols in and out.
Also if you feel like you may misplace some things I.e.... A tie, tie clasp, etc. Buy them. Don't be that guy who shows up to formation and is missing a item on your uniform. Always have an extra in your locker as a precaution.
any tips on what to study for ahead of time? Protocols? Or text book stuff?

What I do suggest as I have posted here to other classes going in, They have a study group an hour before you start class. TAKE IT !! it will help you immensely ! STUDY STUDY STUDY
Protocols are easy and simple RESPECT YOUR INSTRUCTORS and punishments will be less.
Being a clown and smart @ss will only hinder you and your group, Don't be that guy.

LOL TRUST US when we tell you DUFFLE BAG is expected as you will be carrying books the size and weight of a small car, your lunch if you are bringing it from home, Your clean PT clothes, Sneakers, towel etc. don't fit in a back pack.
If you are in the AM class you will have PT last. PM class has PT first thing so you will need Towel, Deodorant , bodywash, hair brush etc.
Silvercat. Trust us. Both myself and Tech were in the previous class. Invest money into the duffel bag. The paper is saying that ONLY for the first day. However your instructors will be telling you otherwise. Also if they say to report in uniform I.E..... Your long sleeve light blue shirt, work pants and boots. Do that...

Yes the paper is telling you to do otherwise. However the paper isn't going to be penalizing you. Your instructors will if you fail to follow their directions. You are their responsibility for the next three months. There is a reason that the department is considered a paramilitary ems agency.