FDNY EMS Candidates

List #33X hoping i get into this class
anyone else see the emergency medical specialist trainee exam on dcas? :O
FDNY must be desperate for emt's o.O that might explain why they offered a july exam too, that must mean list 6003 is gonna go out faster than normal?

kinda makes me not wanna be a emt anymore. everyone is an emt now. there's nothing special about it anymore.
anyone else see the emergency medical specialist trainee exam on dcas? :O
FDNY must be desperate for emt's o.O that might explain why they offered a july exam too, that must mean list 6003 is gonna go out faster than normal?

kinda makes me not wanna be a emt anymore. everyone is an emt now. there's nothing special about it anymore.
There's never been anything special about it. It's an entry level, basic course

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I'm hearing feb 14th is the first day of calls

That is a big negative on Feb 14, on calls going out. It is only a week after graduation and word of a break is coming for the instructors.
you can expect calls going out at the end of Feb into the beginning of March.
if you look back at how calls have always gone out.
Real simple pattern to follow.

Good luck to all
That is a big negative on Feb 14, on calls going out. It is only a week after graduation and word of a break is coming for the instructors.
you can expect calls going out at the end of Feb into the beginning of March.
if you look back at how calls have always gone out.
Real simple pattern to follow.

Good luck to all
What list number do you think they will get up to?
What list number do you think they will get up to?

Honestly ? who knows ? if you look back a few you will see the numbers, Now remember NOT everyone post or even knows about this forum.
It is all a wait and see game, BUT if you haven't been DQed then you will be called simple as that.
It's a waiting game, gotta ask the ones in the academy know if they have heard. But for sure have heard of a break for the instructors.

Don't go by rumors, always go by confirmation.
Congrats to all 171 on deck who graduated yesterday. see you on the streets !!
To all who go in the next class STUDY because 180 go in and not all make it.
Study, stay out of trouble and make it through !
How many more will get the call for the next academy? 318 was the last number
Listen to me. Nobody here knows. In fact, nobody at all knows how many list numbers they'll go through to get 180. They ended at 318, but there are many below 318 who did not get the call yet. If they didn't get DQ'd, then there's nothing to worry about. It just happens sometimes for many, many reasons.

My best advice is to stay in shape, study, be prepared for calls WHEN THEY GO OUT AT THE END OF FEBRUARY. The Valentine's Day rumor is far from true; completely false. The next academy isn't sworn in until March 6th with the first official day at the academy on March 7th. Good luck to all and stay safe.
Listen to me. Nobody here knows. In fact, nobody at all knows how many list numbers they'll go through to get 180. They ended at 318, but there are many below 318 who did not get the call yet. If they didn't get DQ'd, then there's nothing to worry about. It just happens sometimes for many, many reasons.

My best advice is to stay in shape, study, be prepared for calls WHEN THEY GO OUT AT THE END OF FEBRUARY. The Valentine's Day rumor is far from true; completely false. The next academy isn't sworn in until March 6th with the first official day at the academy on March 7th. Good luck to all and stay safe.

My mirrored words brother lol.
People waiting for the next class should read what we have posted.
They need to also keep in mind, people who have left the academy or failed THEY ALSO have the opt of coming back and redoing the academy.
People who have deferred and will now come to the next class, so your list number is secondary to those ahead of you from prior lists.
If not DQed then just hang tight and wait, paper work missing they will call you, if you are being DQed they will call you.
No news, is good news. STUDY, stay in shape and out of trouble.
Keep busy and don't stress yourselves waiting by the phone.
when the call comes, it will come at the very end of Feb.

Good luck everyone !!
anyone have any ideas when the list for exam number 7000 for FDNY EMT is going to be released?
Hey all, new here but have been checking out the forum for quite a while.
Thinking calls should literally start any moment, March 6th is fast approaching!
Hoping to make it into this one. Fingers crossed!
Hey all, new here but have been checking out the forum for quite a while.
Thinking calls should literally start any moment, March 6th is fast approaching!
Hoping to make it into this one. Fingers crossed!

If you have all you need to do is scroll up and see. Most likely next week to the end into March
If you have all you need to do is scroll up and see. Most likely next week to the end into March
Yeah, thanks. I have scrolled up. And read back about 150 pages. The Academy in July started calls on what would have been last Friday and in October they started on what would have been today. Thanks for the welcome.