FDNY EMS Candidates


Forum Deputy Chief
Put FDNY and Parking in the search bar.


Forum Captain
Also is there parking or should I get someone to drop me off?

Parking is a bit limited at the Academy, if you can get dropped off and picked up I recommend making the arrangments. It also depends on your list number on when you'll get your PAT call.


Forum Captain
What are the odds that i get called for the Oct 31st academy? List:6003 #6XX

Thanks in advance

Doubt it for Oct academy, they haven't finished the 5003 list and they are into the last 1300s on that list and that goes into the 1600s.
So highly doubtful. Just keep your nose clean, work out and keep busy. and perhaps maybe end of January/ February when they have the next class..


Forum Captain
I just want to put this out there for all who will be going into the next class in October and future classes.
The academy is training you for your job in the FDNY EMS system, NOT high school.
you will run into people unfortunately who think they are still teens and act like it.
They will get your entire class into punishment TRUST ME, DON'T BE THAT GUY/GIRL.
gossiping and bullying are alive and well with some people in the classes, I have seen it first hand towards some really good people.
You will not like everyone and you will like many. Just go in learn your job to the best of your ability, don't get written up and finish what you came in there to do.
Honestly I am disappointed in what I saw grown a** adults do to others,
The instructors are great and they are there to help you pass, so RESPECT THEM and listen, you will learn.
They are a great group of teachers.
Again go in, learn, work, keep up and do your part and leave the high school drama home.
It's 13 weeks of getting through this and getting stationed where it matters.

Good luck to all.
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Forum Probie
Doubt it for Oct academy, they haven't finished the 5003 list and they are into the last 1300s on that list and that goes into the 1600s.
So highly doubtful. Just keep your nose clean, work out and keep busy. and perhaps maybe end of January/ February when they have the next class..

Okay, thank you for the info.


Forum Lieutenant
I just want to put this out there for all who will be going into the next class in October and future classes.
The academy is training you for your job in the FDNY EMS system, NOT high school.
you will run into people unfortunately who think they are still teens and act like it.
They will get your entire class into punishment TRUST ME, DON'T BE THAT GUY/GIRL.
gossiping and bullying are alive and well with some people in the classes, I have seen it first hand towards some really good people.
You will not like everyone and you will like many. Just go in learn your job to the best of your ability, don't get written up and finish what you came in there to do.
Honestly I am disappointed in what I saw grown a** adults do to others,
The instructors are great and they are there to help you pass, so RESPECT THEM and listen, you will learn.
They are a great group of teachers.
Again go in, learn, work, keep up and do your part and leave the high school drama home.
It's 13 weeks of getting through this and getting stationed where it matters.

Good luck to all.
That's dissapointing to hear man. I feel like On the firefighter side of things those guys are such a close knit band of brothers especially as probies. Emt's should be the same.


Forum Captain
That's dissapointing to hear man. I feel like On the firefighter side of things those guys are such a close knit band of brothers especially as probies. Emt's should be the same.

Sad part is most of the ones acting the fools are the ones who don't care about being EMT's. They are just there for the promo to fire.
Just go in, do your job, study and learn their techniques and protocols,
Key word here is RESPECT your fellow EMT probies, respect your instructors, respect everyone, simple as that.
Graduation can't come soon enough.


Forum Captain
That's dissapointing to hear man. I feel like On the firefighter side of things those guys are such a close knit band of brothers especially as probies. Emt's should be the same.
It is disappointing but what can you do about it? Even Bravo Company is super "cliquey." the instructors are amazing people and will work with you 100% of the time unless you're testing. They want you to succeed and graduate. If you get Instructor Troisi as your CIC, he trains you to be better than him, as well as the other instructors. Just don't do anything stupid. Always be there 15-30 minutes early, if you're tour 3 (evening class) get there an hour early and work out a bit. The pt is tough.

Good luck to all those who get into the October class, it's a lot of work in 13 weeks.


Forum Ride Along
Hey guys, I applied to exam #7000 and on the site I put my home adress and I can't receive mail there. I sent them a letter for an adress change to a P.O. Box a few weeks back but haven't herd back from them. Was wondering if they email or call you with your number and when they get to it or if they mail this stuff only? How do I make sure the adress change was sucessfull, should I call them? Or does it take a couple of months for it to get processed? Also not sure if this is the right place to be asking this, my bad if it's not.

Also wondering what exam is the one before mine and if they're calling people from it already? So I can kind of picture how long of a wait there is. I know I just started the process and am already asking stuff like this, sorry haha.

Thanks a lot!


Forum Probie
Hey guys, I applied to exam #7000 and on the site I put my home adress and I can't receive mail there. I sent them a letter for an adress change to a P.O. Box a few weeks back but haven't herd back from them. Was wondering if they email or call you with your number and when they get to it or if they mail this stuff only? How do I make sure the adress change was sucessfull, should I call them? Or does it take a couple of months for it to get processed? Also not sure if this is the right place to be asking this, my bad if it's not.

Also wondering what exam is the one before mine and if they're calling people from it already? So I can kind of picture how long of a wait there is. I know I just started the process and am already asking stuff like this, sorry haha.

Thanks a lot!
They still have to finish out 5003 exam then all of 6003.. Can't imagine you getting in for at least another 1.5 years if you're lucky

Doc Logical

Forum Crew Member
Does this site have any kinds of heads-up on how to prepare for the EMS Academy academically. I'm unsure of what I'm going to deal with ?


Forum Captain
Does this site have any kinds of heads-up on how to prepare for the EMS Academy academically. I'm unsure of what I'm going to deal with ?

Everything you learned when you were at the EMT school and more, everyday you are lectured and given 20 question quiz.
So paying attention in class and studying the lessons in your books, do that and you will be good.
You will be learning how things work in the FDNY EMS system, protocols etc.

Doc Logical

Forum Crew Member
Everything you learned when you were at the EMT school and more, everyday you are lectured and given 20 question quiz.
So paying attention in class and studying the lessons in your books, do that and you will be good.
You will be learning how things work in the FDNY EMS system, protocols etc.

We're not gonna have to pay for the books are we ? They're gonna give us that stuff. Anything else ? Tips, hints...


Forum Captain
We're not gonna have to pay for the books are we ? They're gonna give us that stuff. Anything else ? Tips, hints...

All of your books are paid for by FDNY, But you must purchase the all black duffle bag at quarter master, you will be hauling all of your books in it ( trust wait til you see the size of the OPS Guide). Purchase a pair of good running shoes for PT.
PT is no joke and just work out til you are called. Cardio and core training.


Forum Captain
We're not gonna have to pay for the books are we ? They're gonna give us that stuff. Anything else ? Tips, hints...

Picture this. Your ENTIRE "refresher" course is a full EMT course compressed into three weeks with a LOT of material thrown at you. As Techlife said. Study your *** off and you'll do great. Word of advice, take PM class. Instructor Troisi is a great instructor, 100% passing rate on the state for PM class.


Forum Probie
In regards to medical...slightly worried about my cholesterol, it was borderline a few years ago and never had it retested....what happens if it's over, auto DQ or allowed to come back in X months?


Forum Crew Member
In regards to medical...slightly worried about my cholesterol, it was borderline a few years ago and never had it retested....what happens if it's over, auto DQ or allowed to come back in X months?

My cholesterol was a little out of the range for my medical, but that's because my good cholesterol is also high. I'm very fit so I'm sure it's congenital and they never had a doctor follow up with me( which the paper says is a possibility if they need to) so they must not have cared that much.