FDNY EMS Candidates

Good to see that calls are going out this week coming in everyone that's next should get call , good luck everyone
How long is the intake interview? What do we wear?
Got my call today. 98*. Good luck to those remaining.

To the people that just got the call, when are ID's and uniforms?

Uni fittings are at Fort Totten. I think you're supposed to pick your own time. I'm 2pm on the 10th.
How long is the intake interview? What do we wear?
If you're one of the first ones there it shouldn't take that long, and dress as if you were going for a job interview! Think it took me about 3 hrs or less that day. And it also depends on your background, the more things you have for them to look into the longer it'll take.. Good luck!
If you're one of the first ones there it shouldn't take that long, and dress as if you were going for a job interview! Think it took me about 3 hrs or less that day. And it also depends on your background, the more things you have for them to look into the longer it'll take.. Good luck!
Thank you.
I guess they're calling all of the differed and delayed people first today.. They'll probably continue with the list on Monday..
I've read some posts, but i'm not quite sure. But..
1. Do i need to bring anything to the social security office when obtaining the non-certified detailed earning statement?
2. I never been to the social security office, how busy is it?
I've read some posts, but i'm not quite sure. But..
1. Do i need to bring anything to the social security office when obtaining the non-certified detailed earning statement?
2. I never been to the social security office, how busy is it?
All I have to say is early bird catches the worm! And that goes for everything that you're going to do through out this process. So to save you some time you should go online and fill out the earnings report form prior to your arrival to the ss office. And I believe the only thing you'll need is a credit/debit card and your ID. They'll guide you where to go in the building..
This may have already be discussed but can anyone here shed some light on a typical day at the academy PT wise? I am aware that there is running along with some basic exercises. Just wondering How much running? How often? Are you timed? Can you fail out of the academy if your not performing well at the PT?
To be honest there not as much pt as they make it seem. The first day of pt at the academy you do a timed run and the last day of pt of academy they do it again to see that you improve. You can't really fail out just do what they tell you and just work hard at it if you have difficulty just show your trying.
To be honest there not as much pt as they make it seem. The first day of pt at the academy you do a timed run and the last day of pt of academy they do it again to see that you improve. You can't really fail out just do what they tell you and just work hard at it if you have difficulty just show your trying.
How's the academic part? Is there a lot of reading and a lot to rememberize?
Got my call on Saturday around 1pm. Took the morning classes