FDNY EMS Candidates

Oh aright cool so I'll get my results from my medical within the next 2 weeks then. And they just tell u whether u pass or not? Thanks bro..sorry for all the questions. Waiting foru guys to get calls for july.to see where the guys early on 5003 will be for september.
Well you should know at the medical wether you qualify or don't (when the doctor checks it off). What they send you in the mail is just your results of all the tests that were done on you and if you were in the normal, mildly abnormal, or abnormal. But in the packet they send you i believe it says that it does not reflect on your candidacy status.. It's just so you can see where you stand when it comes to your health or if you want to show it to your personal doctor..
Is anyone else being marked not qualified by DCAS for an unkown reason? Called my investigator and he looked into it, called me back, and said that everything was good and my number is back in the running. He said he would call me if he needs anything, and if I have any questions to call him back.

But when I call DCAS, it still says I'm marked as not qualified.

Not sure why. Might have something to do with a fender bender I was in in my driveway at home back in April? I wouldn't think so, but maybe that's why and maybe I should call my investigator and bring it up? If that was the case, I'm surprised that he would have looked into it, not found any reason why I was marked as not qualified, and told me that my number was back in the running.

Is it possible that there's a mistake on DCAS' end?

Edit: Also, DCAS says I should have been notified or will be notified and I am allowed to appeal but I have not received any notifications in the mail, or otherwise. My status has been marked as not qualified for a few weeks now, so I would think I would have received something in the mail by now.
What exam are you off of ? And what about your drug test and medical?
They called u and told u that ?
Nah it's just assumptions based on the previous classes.. They usually call about 2 weeks prior to the academy start date and that puts us on the 29th of June if the academy starts on July 13; but that's 4th of July week so they just might make calls the middle of next week till the end of the 29th but let's see what happens !
Hey guys quick question so I have my intake coming up and based on how fast my friends with similar scores are moving, my medical should be about a month after. Without going into too much detail I currently have a medical condition that I don't think I would pass it with, but I have surgery scheduled to correct it in August and after that it shouldn't be an issue but my medical will likely be before it. Will they work with me and let me push my medical back until after this surgery? Thanks all
Hey guys quick question so I have my intake coming up and based on how fast my friends with similar scores are moving, my medical should be about a month after. Without going into too much detail I currently have a medical condition that I don't think I would pass it with, but I have surgery scheduled to correct it in August and after that it shouldn't be an issue but my medical will likely be before it. Will they work with me and let me push my medical back until after this surgery? Thanks all
Hmm.. I believe you can reschedule your medical appointment but it will only delay you in the hiring process.. But what is the medical condition? .. If you don't mind me asking.
You don't know when your medical will be...so this might not even be a problem.

If ur medical is before the correction, do it. Don't reschedule. After the medical ur given a month to fix the prob...maybe even more time if u appeal. If u reschedule it's up n the air on when ull get the oppurtunity at a new medical date.
Hmm.. I believe you can reschedule your medical appointment but it will only delay you in the hiring process.. But what is the medical condition? .. If you don't mind me asking.
How much can I delay it and will they be alright with me delaying for medical reasons? To be brief it's an orthopedic condition, i have a metal plate in me but it is scheduled to come out because the condition has since been corrected. It does not limit me in any way and I have a letter from the surgeon saying that so I'm hoping they'll accept that even if it's still in when I have the medical.
You don't know when your medical will be...so this might not even be a problem.

If ur medical is before the correction, do it. Don't reschedule. After the medical ur given a month to fix the prob...maybe even more time if u appeal. If u reschedule it's up n the air on when ull get the oppurtunity at a new medical date.
I was under the impression after talking to others who have gone through the FD & PD (although a little different..) process that if you appeal it is a lengthy process that could take months or even years though?
Thanks all.
You get the automatic month without any penalities...ya the appeal is 3 months, if I'm not mistaken, but I don't know if it exactly delays you since ull prolly be waiting longer than that for the call either way.

If the condition doesn't effect you and you have paperwork backing it up, I don't see how ull be held bck.
What exam are you off of ? And what about your drug test and medical?

I'm off of exam 4004. Didn't get any notice of a DQ for my medical (which includes the drug test), and don't see why I would.

My investigator looked into it and said I'm still qualified and my list number is still in the running but the automated message on DCAS says not qualified. Who do I believe? lol

why did u get skipped in april?

I didn't realize I was skipped in April, my investigator didn't say anything to me about that. I've been in touch, and he told me he'd let me know if he needed anything from me and to call him if I had any questions.

I'm thinking maybe I just have to wait and hear from him and if I don't get a call in the next couple of weeks for this upcoming academy, then I have to start bugging them again. The wait is killing me, actually been pretty anxious of late, and I rarely get anxious! lol

I want to call him again because I really want to get into this academy, but I know they're busy right now and calls are about to go out regardless, so there may not be much I can do at this point in regards to this upcoming academy.
Haha hopefully! I'll be sure to keep you guys posted.. I hope they start calling soon