FDNY EMS Candidates

Hello All,

I just received notification that I passed the FDNY civil Service Exam #5003 with a 70%. I've only been an EMT for a year and I went directly into a Medic Program. I graduate from my medic program in August of 2016. My number is in the early 1000's so I assume i'll be waiting for awhile (i'm not sure how that works). My question is if I get called before i graduate should I decline and wait until I finish Medic Program or try and do both together? Any suggestions?
Hello All,

I just received notification that I passed the FDNY civil Service Exam #5003 with a 70%. I've only been an EMT for a year and I went directly into a Medic Program. I graduate from my medic program in August of 2016. My number is in the early 1000's so I assume i'll be waiting for awhile (i'm not sure how that works). My question is if I get called before i graduate should I decline and wait until I finish Medic Program or try and do both together? Any suggestions?

Definitely decline the offer and finish your medic program. Then you can join FDNY as an emt and promote to medic. No reason to quit medic school to become emt
Do the process. If they call you before your done with the medic program simply defer to the next class. With your list number it may not even be a problem.
dont have a subscription to that site. can you copy paste what it says here ? lol
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services established a 1,598-name list for Emergency Medical Specialist - EMT on Feb. 18, 2015. The list is based on Exam 5003, which was offered Aug. 6-Sept. 23, 2014.

I along with some other ppl on this forum were not sure if there were 1598 or 5098 ppl on the list but i found the answer
Anyone heard anything about the next firefighter promo or open competitive exam?
i think the promo comes out the same time as the open competitive. but my brother, who's on the fire side, said to put your name on both list.
Peggy Quinn indicated that she knows the dates for the next filling period and then the test. She wasn't specific, but hinted toward sometime between the end of this summer and beginning of next year.
I think prob the beginning of next year. Cus they hired those people from the old exam back. So there's still plenty of people they need to get to on this list.
Yea. And sanatation use their list for 6 years before the new test because they didn't get to enough people on it. So you never know
Talked to someone and they said that I should be called in may and start the academy in sept.
Does anyone on exam 4004 know where the list number is at. ? And if there will def be two academies in April ? If so will it be all Ems or emd or a mix of both
It is, but even the slowest people/fat people/smokers etc haven't failed out, no one passed out or vomitted . it could always be worse. It just sucks in the beginning, I saw you guys run the first day when getting times measured haha

What is pt . I spoke to my investigator and she said I will be getting in for the April class everything is good for me